F.B. Purity Frequently Asked Questions / Help

If you are having problems getting F.B. Purity to work, please read and follow *all* the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide.

If you want to uninstall F.B. Purity, click here for full instructions on how to remove/uninstall F.B. Purity

What is F.B. Purity?

Fluff Busting (FB) Purity is a web browser add-on that helps you to take control of your Facebook experience. It does this by letting you filter out the spam, such as ads, quizzes and games etc, and also the messages such as "Person X likes Page Y", "Person X joined Group Y", "Person X became friends with Person Y", "Person X is attending Event Y". See the F.B. Purity features page for the full list of what FBP can do.

How much does F.B. Purity cost?

F.B. Purity is donationware, which means if you like the script / extension and it helps you out and you appreciate and respect the hard work put into this, you can thank me by making a donation.

Where Can I Download F.B. Purity?

You can download F.B. Purity here: Install F.B. Purity

Where can I find out the latest news about Fluff Busting (FB) Purity, including latest releases etc

If you want the latest news and information about the script beamed to your computer screen directly when its updated, "Like" the FB (Fluff Busting) Purity Fan Page, and I will keep you updated with news of the latest releases, bug fixes, tips and tricks etc. Though in order to make sure you get the updates, you should subscribe to the F.B. Purity News Interest List: that should make sure that posts from this page appear in your newsfeed.

Another option which makes it even more likely you will receive the news as it happens, as it actually gives you a notification whenever theres an important post about F.B. Purity. To enable notifications when I post an update, go to the FBP Fan Page and hover over the "Liked" button, then select "Get Notifications". Alternatively You might like to subscribe to the Fluff Busting Purity News RSS feed, Fluff Busting Purity News, you can also subscribe to the news feed via email. I will also be making update announcements on the offical F.B. Purity Twitter account. If you want instant notification of updates, you can subscribe to F.B. Purity updates via SMS on the F.B. Purity Twitter page.

FBP has a built in notification system, when there is new news on the FBP Fan page, a small red notification box will be displayed under the FBP link at the top of the facebook page along with the number of new posts.

Clicking the notification will take you to the FBP fan page, and the notification will go away. Alternatively you can click the "X" to dismiss the notification.

These notifications are important as the FBP Fan page has news about new releases of FBP, and any big changes that Facebook makes to break features of FBP, and any changes to FBP, such as new features, bugs, workarounds etc. If you don't want to receive this information or don't like these built in FBP news notifications, you can turn them off by un-ticking the "Show FBP News Notifications" option on the FBP options screen.

What is a Web Browser extension (also known as an add-on)?

A web browser extension is a program that extends and enhances the functionality of your web browser (the program you use to browse the web), and gives you extra functionality and or customization options on websites that you visit.

What Web Browsers are compatible with F.B. Purity?

F.B. Purity is compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, Brave and Maxthon. It should also work on any other Chrome / Chromium based browsers (such as Slimjet, Yandex etc).

Is F.B. Purity available for the Brave Web Browser?

Yes, you can Install F.B. Purity for Brave via the Chrome Extension Webstore, as Google Chrome extensions are now fully compatible with Brave.

Is F.B. Purity available for the Duck Duck Go browser?

No, unfortunately its not available for DDG, as the "Duck Duck Go" browser does not support adding browser extensions.

Can I Hide Amber Alerts from the Newsfeed?

Yes, as with anything that appears as a post in the Newsfeed, if it has text in it that is not part of an image, then you should be able to use FBP's Text Filter to filter it out. In this case put the text Amber Alert into FBP's Text Filter box then click "Save and Close"

What operating systems are compatible with F.B. Purity?

The operating system doesn't really matter, so it should work fine on Windows 10,8,7, Linux, MacOS, Chrome OS, basically whichever operating systems will run the following web browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Brave and Maxthon will work fine with F.B. Purity. e.g Windows, Linux, Mac etc. Please note that F.B. Purity will not run on mobile / tablet browsers on Iphone or Android, or the IPad / Ipad2 / Ipad3 / IOS etc as they are not compatible.

How can I hide all posts in the newsfeed telling me what my friends have liked (& reacted to) or commented on?

FBP has filter options for most different post types that show up in the newsfeed. There are separate options to hide "likes" based on what the person has liked, e.g there are options to hide "liked photos", "liked videos", "liked status" etc, those options are under their respective title heading, so to hide "liked photos", open the "Photo Posts" section of the FBP options screen, etc. The same goes for hiding "comment" posts. A variation on this is the "liked this" and "commented on this" options, sometimes posts in the newsfeed have "liked this" or "commented on this" in the header of the post, where the type of post is not specified, so there are separate options for hiding those types of posts. P.S. If you are ever unsure of what an FBP option does, hover your mouse pointer over it, and it should present you with further information on that option. Please note if you tick the "hide liked" options they will also hide the equivalent "reacted to" type posts.

Does F.B. Purity work with Facebook's new design / layout (including dark mode) where they have removed the top blue bar etc.

The latest version of F.B. Purity is mostly compatible with the new Facebook design, but please note that not all FBP functionality is working yet on it.

Does FBP's filtering functionality work on Group Pages?

No, most of FBP's filtering capabilities specifically work on the Newsfeed.

Can I prevent my likes and comments from showing up in other peoples newsfeeds?

No, unfortunately this is not possible, the only way to stop that completely is to stop liking and commenting on things.

Can I disable autoplay videos from playing automatically in the Facebook newsfeed?

Yes. To disable the autoplay of videos in the newsfeed, open the "Video Posts" section of the FBP options screen, and click the link that says "Click here to disable Autoplay". The link opens Facebook's settings page, where FBP will attempt to turn autoplay off. If it is not successful, you can manually change the setting on that page yourself. If the disable autoplay setting does not exist on that page, try using a VPN to change the country you are accessing Facebook to a European country. Or if that doesn't work, you can try this.

Please note: Facebook have a new video post type called "Watch Party" and the video in those posts does not obey Facebooks autoplay setting. One thing you can do if you dont want "Watch Party" posts autoplaying in your newsfeed is to enter the text "Watch Party" (without the quotes) into the Text Filter or Auto Hide filter boxes, as that will filter out all Watch Party posts from the Newsfeed.

Can I stop Facebook from autoplaying Timeline cover videos or hide them entirely?

It is annoying that Facebook still autoplays cover videos, even if you have selected the Facebook option to disable the autoplay of videos. One workaround to this is to use Custom CSS code to hide all Timeline Cover Videos, check the CSS page for more info.

Can I stop Animated Gifs from Autoplaying? or Hide / Block them completely?

Facebook has recently started autoplaying Animated Gifs even if you have specifically turned off the Facebook video autoplay option. This is very annoying indeed. FBP cant stop the GIFs from playing, but you can hide the Gifs in comments completely with some Custom CSS code, which you can find on the FBP CSS page

Can I stop videos from automatically looping (Aka repeating again and again automatically)?

No, theres no way to do this at present that I am aware of. Apparently facebook has started looping any videos under 30 seconds in length.

Can I stop videos popping out and moving to the bottom right corner when i scroll down the Newsfeed?

Yes, you can. Turn on the "Show FBP Video Player Link" option (at the bottom of the FBP options screen), then use the red FBP video links to watch videos in the newsfeed instead of clicking on the actual videos. That way the videos will open in a new tab instead and can either be watched there, or you can leave the video playing in that tab and go back to the newsfeed tab and continue scrolling.

Can I stop Facebook automatically suggesting Tags / replacing what I am typing with Tagged People/Pages when writing comments / status messages?

Yes you can, tick the Hide "Auto Tag Suggestions" option on the FBP options screen, and it will stop Facebook replacing your text. With the option enabled, if you do wish to tag someone, type the "@" symbol, and it temporarily allows you to tag again. You may need to type a space after you finish typing your final word of your comment or status to stop Facebook automatically replacing your final word with a tag. (Please note this option is currently broken.)

Is there a way to get Facebook to automatically list all comments on a post by "Newest" aka "Most Recent" instead of by "Top Comments" or "Most Relevant"?

No, there is not currently any option to do this, and I do not have any plans to implement this.

Can I hide newsfeed posts that say a friend was "mentioned" or "tagged" in it?

Yes, just tick the corresponding newsfeed filtering options that have "tagged in" in the title

Will F.B. Purity be made available for the IPhone or Android or any other mobile devices?

Its a possibility for the future, but it will be an awful lot of work, and developing / maintaining and supporting the desktop version of FBP is already a crazy amount of work, and currently have no plans for a mobile version to announce at this time.

How do I access the F.B. Purity Options screen?

Once you have F.B. Purity installed, you can access the options screen by clicking the round "FBP" button in the top navigation bar at the very top of the page or the "F.B. Purity" link just above the first post in Newsfeed .

How can I turn off / hide the Sponsored box and Sponsored Posts / Suggested Posts / Suggested for you / 'Follow' Posts / More From / Related / Similar To Posts in the newsfeed (Adverts)?

Just tick the Hide Sponsored Box option on the F.B. Purity options screen, this will also hide the Suggested Posts, and other Sponsored posts in the newsfeed. (Please note, if you have this option turned on, and are stil seeing sponsored posts in the Newsfeed you may need to use the "zap the ads" function, which can be accesed by clicking the 3 dot "..." menu at the top right of any sponsored post. Clicking the "Zap the ads" option, should hide the sponsored posts.

Can I hide Facebook generated posts that are titled "Similar to posts you've interacted with" / "Similar to posts that you've interacted with"

Yes, put the actual text that appears in the posts on your Newsfeed (without the quotes) into F.B. Purity's Text Filter, and FBP should filter those out from the Newsfeed.

How can I edit / customise the list of games and applications that F.B. Purity hides?

There's a guide to editing the F.B. Purity application whitelist here : F.B. Purity Whitelist Guide. Or if you want to turn off application and game post filtering entirely, just un-tick the hide "Game + App posts" option on the fbp settings screen.

How can I hide posts that feature specific words or phrases? For example politics, sports, fashion, celebrities, Trump, Sanders, Cruz, Clinton, Kanye, Kardashians etc

FBP's "Text Filter" function lets you hide posts in the Newsfeed that feature words or phrases that you specify. You can read how to use this feature here: Custom Text Filter Guide. There is also another method called "Auto Hide" for hiding posts that works the same way as the Text Filter, but instead of just hiding the post from view in the Extras section, it will automatically click Facebook's "Hide Post" button for that post, so it will not even be visible in the Extras section.

In the "Text filter", is it possible to hide whole words only, eg hide any mentions of "hat" but not words containing the letters "hat" such as "what" or "that" etc?

Yes, in order to do this you need to use some special Regular Expression syntax. In this case, you need to use the word boundary signifier "\b", you need to put it at the start and end of the whole word that you want to filter out. So in the case of this example you would put "\bhat\b" (without the quotes) into the "Text Filter" box, and it should then only filter out any occurrences of the word "hat".

How can I edit / customise the list of "extras" that F.B. Purity hides?

Instructions on customising the "Extra" posts that get hidden are here: F.B. Purity Extras guide

Is it possible to use wildcard search patterns In the "Text Filter" ?

Yes, it is possible, you need to use "Regular Expressions" syntax. Examples: If you wanted to match anything that occurs between the words "this" and "program" you would use the following "regex" "this .* program". If you wanted to hide any numeric variation of "added 12 photos to an album" you would use the following regular expression "added \d* photos to an album". Google "Regular Expressions" to learn more about the syntax.

Can I use F.B. Purity to filter out fake news on Facebook?

Yes. you can use F.B. Purity to filter out Fake News on Facebook. There are various ways you can do this. Firstly, by default F.B. Purity hides all ads on Facebook. People spreading Fake News often purchase ads on Facebook, that show in the right hand column of the site and instead of advertising something, they actually display a fake news story for example claiming a famous celebrity has died, but when you click the ad, it takes you to a malware site that can compromise your computers security. F.B. Purity keeps you safer on Facebook as it blocks all those ads. Another way to block Fake news on Facebook is to use FBP's Text Filter functionality, you can put a list of URLs of known fake news sites into FBP's Text Filter box, and F.B. Purity will filter out any news from those sites that appear in your Newsfeed.
Click here for more info on how to block fake news in this manner and how to spot fake news is explained here.

Is it possible to synchronise my FBP settings across multiple computers?

Yes this is possible, to do this, you need to install the "DropBox" client program on the computers you wish to use FBP on. The Dropbox client program creates a folder on your computer that automatically gets saved to and synchronised on the DropBox server. You then need to install a "portable" version of your browser into your dropbox folder, then install FBP on the portable browser. Now whenever you open your portable browser from the dropbox folder on any of your computers, FBP will have the exact same settings, because you are using the exact same version of the browser on each computer. To learn more about DropBox and get the free client software go here: https://www.dropbox.com and to get a Portable browser (such as Chrome, Firefox etc) go here: https://www.portableapps.com

Why is my Newsfeed full of old posts?

The standard sort mode Facebook uses for the Newsfeed is known as "Top Posts", when in this mode, which is the default mode for the Newsfeed, old posts will show up regularly in the feed. To avoid this and view the "Most Recent" or up to date posts, you need to click the "Feeds" button. The Feeds page shows your Newsfeed in what Facebook believes to be the "Most Recent" order. Though the problem wtih the Feeds page, is the design of the left and right columns of the page is different to that of the standard newsfeed page. Facebook do this on purpose because they prefer people to stick with the default sort mode for the Newsfeed, so they have designed the feeds page to be as un user friendly as possible.

Can I Hide the "Stories" box that shows in either the right hand column or the middle column of the Newsfeed page?

Yes, you can. If it is showing, click the "X" button at the top right of the box, or if not, tick the hide "Stories" option located under the "Hide Right Column Links" section of the FBP settings screen.

Can I Hide the "Rooms" / "Create Room" box that shows at the top of the Newsfeed page?

Yes, you can. Open the FBP options screen, then tick the hide "Rooms" option, then click the "Save and Close" button.

Can I hide the "Stories" / "Reels" / "Rooms" / box at the top of the Newsfeed

Yes, to hide the box containing all 3 elements, you need to tick the three individual hide options for "Stories" (located under the "More Options" heading), "Reels" (located under the "Video Posts" heading) and "Rooms" (located under the "More Options" heading)

Can I Hide the "Happening Now" box that shows "Live" videos in the right hand column

Yes, you can hide it by opening the FBP options screen, then opening the "Hide Right Column Links" section, then ticking the hide "Happening Now / Live" option, then clicking the "Save and Close" button.

Can I hide or minimise the "Viewing Most Recent" box that shows up when you have selected to view the newsfeed sorted by most recent?

Yes, FBP has an option to force Facebook to always show you the "Most Recent" feed, and this option also minimises the "Viewing Most Recent" box at the top of your newsfeed.

How can I turn off (hide) the Suggestions (aka Recommended Pages, Find Friends, Get Connected, Connect with Friends, Find More Friends, People to subscribe to) box?

Just tick the Hide "Sponsored box" option on the F.B. Purity options screen.

Can I hide the newsfeed completely?

Yes! If you find the constant updates on the news feed a distraction and want the whole newsfeed gone, FBP has an option to do this, its under the "Various Post Types" heading of the FBP options screen, and the option is titled hide "The Whole Newsfeed"

How can I hide the "People you may know" box on Facebook aka (How to stop friend suggestions)

Click for the guide to How to hide the People You may Know box on Facebook

Can I turn off the "Name Change Alerts"?

Yes, you can. To do so, un-tick the "Name Change Alerts" option on the FBP options screen, then click hte "Save and Close" button.

Can I turn off the "Deleted Friend Alerts" that get shown when my friends delete me / unfriend from their friend lists?

Yes there is an option on the FBP options screen titled "Deleted Friend Alerts", un-ticking that option turns it off.

Is it possible to show a Deleted Friends Alert again if I accidentally dismiss it before reading it properly?

Yes, if you click the "F" key shortly after the popup screen has gone away, the Deleted Friends Alert should popup again, so you can read it properly, alternatively, if you check the left column of your newsfeed, there will be a "Deleted Friends Alert" link, highlighted with a pink background, clicking the link will also re-play the alert. Deleted Friends Alerts are automatically cleared an hour after popping up, so you wont be able to view them then.

The deleted friend alerts are showing "incorrect" results, why is that?

Deleted friend alerts can be triggered by friends de-activating their account, in this situation you have not actually been unfriended, but that person will no longer show up in your friends list while the account is deactivated. They will be back in your list when the account is re-activated. If you have a very large number of friends, you may see quite a few of these alerts, due to the number of your friends who may temporarily be deactivating their accounts regularly. If you do repeatedly see these alerts and don't want to see them any more, you can turn the "Deleted Friend Alerts" off via the FBP options screen. Other possible reasons, could be a Facebook glitch or browser malfunction. Deleted friend alerts can also be caused by a person converting their personal profile into a "Fan Page". If your account has been temporarily disabled by Facebook you may get a Deleted Friends Alert alert with all your friends in the list, this is just due to the way Facebook reports the list of friends of a disabled account as being empty. Once your account is re-enabled you will find none of those friends have actually removed you from their friends list, its just a temporary glitch, and your friends list will be restored back to normal once your account is re-enabled. Another thing to note is that the total number of friends that Facebook shows on your profile page often does not match the number of actual friends in your friendslist, so if you have seen the total number change but you have not received a deleted friend alert, do not worry about it, facebook often make mistakes totalling up the number of friends, some say this discrepancy is caused by facebook temporarily disabling people in your friends list's accounts.

Can I also be alerted when people unfollow me / i am unfollowed?

No, its impossible for a browser extension to get that information.

Facebook is displaying a message saying "Your adblocker is hiding posts from friends", is this true?

F.B. Purity lets you hide the ads and posts that you don't want to see in your Newsfeed, you can adjust FBP's settings to filter out the junk you are not interested in, so yes FBP can hide posts from your friends, but only the ones you don't want to see. Facebook are basically desperate for you to see their ads, so are trying this trick to get you to disable anything that blocks their ads. You can hide their lying message by ticking the hide "Nagging Questions" option, located under the "Timeline Options" heading on the FBP Options screen. (**UPDATE** The latest version of fbp should hide the ad blocker message by default)

FBP has an option to hide popup notifications, but I am still seeing them with this option enabled, whats going on?

FBP's hide popup notifications option only works on the notifications that popup in the bottom left corner when you are actually on the Facebook website. The notifications that popup in the bottom right side of your browser whether you have facebook open or not cannot be blocked by FBP, you need to turn those off either in Facebook's Notifications settings page or in your browser itself. They are called "Push Notifications". To turn them off on Facebooks Notifications Settings screen, check out this screenshot that explains how to do it. To turn them off in Google Chrome, check out this screenshot that explains how to do it.

There is also another new form of popup notifications too, they appear as a popup tab featuring comment notifications that appear at the bottom of the facebook page, looking a bit like chat windows, you can turn them off in Facebook's Chat options, to do this tick the "Turn off Post Tabs" option. (Please note that in the new Facebook design the "Post Tabs" have been renamed to "Chat Tabs")

Is it possible to hide certain notification types from showing in the notifications bell menu drop down in the top nav bar?

Yes, for some notifications such as "added to his/her story" if you click the "..." at the top right of the notification, it should give you the option to hide that type of notification. However Facebook does not give you the option to stop certain notification types, though you can hide some of those, such as "liked" and "reacted to" notifications for example using Custom CSS code, check the CSS page for more info

Can I hide those big annoying buttons at the top of the page with the red notifications on them in the new Facebook design?

Yes you can hide them, look under the "Top Nav Bar Options" section of the FBP options screen.

Can I use F.B. Purity to hide Facebook's Memories feature that digs up old posts and puts them in the newsfeed?

F.B. Purity has built in filtering options for hiding Memories posts ("Your Memories", and "Shared Memories" from the newsfeed, they are located under the "Various Post Types" heading on the FBP options screen.

Please note, the Hide "Shared Memories" option also hides those "friend x and person y are celebrating N years of friendship" type posts

Facebook also has Memory Notifications that drop down from the bell icon menu in the top nav bar. Facebook has a built in setting to turn the Memories Notifications off, go to On This Day then click the menu at the top right of the page to turn them off.

**Important, Please Note** FBP's filter is not infallible and some of the "Your Memories" posts might get through, but there is a solution, and that is to go to the On This Day page, click the Preferences button, then click the "Edit" link in the people section and add yourself to the people whose posts will be filtered out.

Can I hide the popups that appear when I hover my mouse over User names / user profile icons or Page names / Page profile icons?

Yes, FBP has an option called Hide "Profile Hovercards". Tick that and it will stop those popups from showing up. (Please note this option no longer works in the chrome extension due to it having to switch to google's manifest v3 API which doesnt allow the functionality fbp was using to to hide the hovercards) Facebook now has its own option to do this. To access it, click your user profile icon at the top right of any page on Facebook, then click the "Display and Accessibility" heading, then look at the "Show previews of links" section for options that let you adjust how the hover menu appears. You can either choose to hide it completely, or have it so the hover card only shows when you click the profile link, instead of showing when you hover over the link.

Can I view a list of all my Facebook friends who have deactivated their accounts?

Yes, go to your Friends page then click the "Show Deactivated Friends" link at the top of the page, and FBP will show you the full list of all your inactive/deactivated friends.

Facebook has started showing fewer links under the groups, and pages section in the left hand column, can FBP fix this?

No, thats not something that FBP can change. You can edit the links that appear in the Shortcuts section, by clicking the edit link next to the heading "Shortcuts". You can also add links to the Shortcuts section by clicking the 3 dots link to the right of the left column links.

Does F.B. Purity have or will it in the future have a functionality to disable the Photo Lightbox viewer / Theatre view Popup windows?

No. Facebook have changed the way the popup photo viewer works, and there is no way to disable it. If you press open the image in a new tab, then press the "Esc" key that should allow you to view the image without the popup.

How can I hide the list suggestions box on friends list pages?

You can do this with a little CSS code snippet that you can find on the FBP CSS Page

How can I hide the Facebook Chat box?

You can hide Facebook Chat box using Facebook's built in settings (To access them click the 3 dots "..." menu button to the right of the Contacts List heading in the left hand side bar.)

Why is F.B. Purity hiding all my friends in Chat? / Why is the chat box hidden?

If you FBP's "Hide offline friends" option is turned on, when you first open the chat window, it will appear blank, this is because it takes a while for facebook to show whether or not your friends are online. After Facebook lists the online friends, which may take a few seconds after opening the chat box, FBP can filter out the offline ones correctly. If the chat box is completely hidden, it may be because you have turned fbp's "news sort: most recent" option on, that option keeps your newsfeed permanently switched to the "Most Recent" version of the Newsfeed, which Facebook now calls "Feeds", and unfortunately facebook have removed various page elements on the Feeds page, including the "chat box", so to get it back again, you can either turn off the "News sort: most recent" option, or click the "Back to Top Posts" link near the top of the page, which will temporarily switch you back to Facebook's default sort mode for the Newsfeed which is known as "Top Posts", as that version of the newsfeed page does have the chat box on it.

Can I hide the Offline or Mobile friends in Chat?

Yes you can hide both, F.B. Purity has 2 such options. 1 to hide offline friends, and the other hides offline and mobile friends in chat.

Can I stop group posts from showing up in my newsfeed?

Yes, just tick the Hide "Wrote on Timeline" (used to be called "Wrote on Wall") option. This hides posts to groups, posts to events, and user to user timeline posts from the newsfeed. (Please note this functionality may no longer work due to a facebook code change)

How can I hide YouTube videos from my news feeds?

F.B. Purity, has a built in filter for hiding YouTube videos. Its under the "Newsfeed Filters" / "Video Posts" section of the FBP options screen.

How can I hide "Facebook Live" videos from my news feeds?

F.B. Purity, has a built in filter for hiding "Live" video posts from the newsfeed, its under the "Newsfeed Filters" / "Video Posts" section of the FBP options screen. If you want to stop receiving notifications about your friends or pages you "Like" broadcasting Live Videos, you can do so via a Facebook setting on the Facebook Settings Page.

Why are Twitter posts or some other type of posts being hidden from my timeline / newsfeed?

If you have the hide "Game + App Posts" option ticked (under the "Timeline Options" heading), it will hide any posts created by Facebook apps, so if your post was "via Twitter" or via some other app that signifies it was posted by a Facebook app, and that will cause it to be hidden on the Timeline (aka your profile page). FBP does not however hide your own app posts in the Newsfeed (this is a separate page to the Timeline though some people get them mixed up), no matter what setting you have chosen. Facebook has an algorithm to determine whether something you post yourself shows up in the Newsfeed or not, you can test this by disabling FBP and seeing if your post is showing in the newsfeed or not. If its not there when FBP is disabled, then its clearly not FBP hiding it.

How can I hide the "Similar to" / "Related Articles" and "More from" boxes that pop up after I like a post from a "Fan Page" in the newsfeed

If you have F.B. Purity's Hide Sponsored Box option ticked, along with the ads, FBP should also hide those popup boxes.

Can I hide the "Games Feed", "Likes Pages" or the "App Center", "F.B. Purity News" or any of the other Links in the left hand column of the Newsfeed?

Yes you can, FBP has built in options for hiding most of these links. Look for the "Left Column Links" section of the FBP options screen.

Can I hide the "Recommended Games" / "Instant Games" / "Games your friends are playing" / "Gaming Video" / "Live now in popular games" boxes in the right hand column?

Yes, ticking the "Hide Game / App Requests" option under the Hide Links in Right Hand Column heading, should also hide the Recommended Games etc boxes.

Can I hide the "Add friends to see more stories" / "Do you want to see more posts?" box at the bottom of the newsfeed

You could hide it with Custom CSS if you can figure it out, though the code for these types of boxes tends to change quite regularly, also once its hidden with CSS you would in future be confused as to why no more posts are loading if the box is there but hidden, and you would most likely blame FBP for it. The best solution seems to to be just refresh the page, as it should, in theory, go away eventually after refreshing the page (you might need to do this a few times before it goes back to normal). Other options are to view custom "Friend List" feeds instead of the Newsfeed.

Can I hide the seasonal/ celebrating "x" day / promotional image /greeting in the status update box / daily greeting in the newsfeed?

Tick the "Hide Nagging Questions" option located under the "Timeline Options" heading on the FBP options screen, and as well as hiding the nagging questions, it should also hide the daily greetings such as (good evening, good morning, good afternoon etc) and the "add featured photos" section on your Timeline.

Can Facebook uninstall or disable F.B. Purity?

Unfortunately, yes they can. They have teamed up with a number of Antivirus companies, including "ESET" and "Trend Micro" and will sometimes force users to download and run AV software from one of those companies, that scans your computer are removes or disables any browser extensions that Facebook does not approve of, even if it does no harm. A workaround if you get told you need to run one of their "approved" AV programs before they will let you login is to login in with a different browser, or use a proxy server so you appear to be browsing from a different IP address, another possible solution is to use a "User Agent" changing browser extension, that lets you change your browser's "User Agent" to look like you are using the Macintosh or Linux operating system, then try logging in again, and in theory the prompt to run the specified AV software before logging in should go away, and they should give you an option to say, you have already run your own AV software. F.B. Purity is not and never has been a virus or malware, so the fact these companies are following Facebook's orders and removing software that they do not approve of is surely not legal, as they do not even mention they have removed/disabled the software once the program has been run. The good news is, if this does happen to you and they do disable or uninstall FBP, you can simply re-install it and will be able to login and use F.B. Purity as before, with no problems.

Can I hide the "Jobs Near You" posts in the newsfeed with F.B. Purity?

Yes you can, just put the text "Jobs Near You" into the Text Filter box (without the quotes) and FBP should filter those posts out of your feed.

Can I add Custom CSS code/rules to Facebook using F.B. Purity?

Yes, you can add Custom CSS code, so you can style Facebook the way you like it, more info and lots of CSS examples here: Custom CSS

Can I filter out posts featuring "hashtags" (hyperlinked words beginning with the "#" character) using the "Text Filter"?

If you remove the hash character from the word, e.g. say you want to filter out the hashtag "#facebooksucks" you should currently just put the text "facebooksucks" without the hash in front of it and without the quotes, and it should filter ok.

Can I hide hashtags using FBP?

Yes, please check the CSS page, there is a custom CSS code snippet there, that you can add to FBP's CSS box on the FBP options screen, that will let you hide the hashtags that show in posts.

Is it possible to turn off FBP's Game and Application post filtering?

Yes, you can stop FBP from filtering game and application posts, to do this, untick the hide "Game + App Posts" checkbox on the F.B. Purity options screen.

Can I filter out "Spoilers" (Movie/Tv/Sports etc) using F.B. Purity?

Yes, you can. Spoilers may show up in posts in the Newsfeed, posted either by "Fan Pages" or your friends. You can filter out Spoilers in the newsfeed by adding the name of the Sporting Event, Movie or TV Shows etc, that you don't want to know the latest happenings about until you actually watch it yourself, to the "Text Filter" box. For example, say you didnt want to hear what happened in the latest episode of "Game of Thrones" you could put the text Game of Thrones into the "Text Filter" box, and F.B. Purity will filter out any posts in the newsfeed that contain the text "Game of Thrones".

Why are my Games Feed and Apps and Games-Friend Activity feeds blank after installing F.B. Purity?

Its because by default F.B. Purity filters out all game and application posts. If you want to see those posts, you can turn off the application/game filtering, to do this, untick the hide "Game & App Posts" checkbox on the F.B. Purity options screen.

How can i stop F.B. Purity hiding my Game Chat box?

To un-hide the Game Chat box, you need to turn off the following two FBP options Hide "Sponsored Box / Posts" option on the main FBP options screen and also the Hide "Game / App Requests" option which is located under the "Hide Right Column Links" heading.

The "People you may know" box is not being hidden even though I have the FBP option to hide it ticked, what can I do?

If you dont have the facebook language setting set to English, this Newsfeed filter won't work, so you could fix it by changing your Facebook language to English, or else if you don't want to do that, use the Text Filter or Auto Hide filter to hide it (the Text Filter and Auto Hide filter only work for items that appear as posts in the Newsfeed). Please note the hide "People You May Know" option, only works at filtering out "PYMK" posts in the Newsfeed, it does not work on Profile/Timeline Pages.

Can FBP automatically remove the "Recent Logins" (login with profile picture) on the logout screen?

Yes, FBP adds a checkbox on the Logout/Login Screen that lets you automatically remove the "Recent Logins"

Can I hide "Today's Birthdays" from showing up in my Newsfeed?

Yes you can, simply put the text "Today's Birthdays" (without the surrounding double quotes) into FBP's "Text Filter" box.

Can I hide Newsfeed posts that are just people wishing others Happy Birthday on their Timeline?

Yes you can, if you tick the "Hide Birthdays" option under the "Hide Right Column Links" heading on the FBP options screen, as well as hiding the birthdays section in the right hand column, it should also hide people wishing others happy birthday in the Newsfeed.

Can I hide Newsfeed posts about people posting on other peoples Timelines / Page Timelines / Event and Group pages

Yes you can, click the "Status / Wall" heading on the FBP options screen, then tick the hide "Wrote on Timeline" option.

Can I hide the links in the left column of the Newsfeed, such as "Music, Pokes, Questions, Games Feed, Pages Feed etc"

Yes, see the "Left Columnn Links" section of the F.B. Purity Options screen, where you can choose to hide those links.

Is there an option to set "Most Recent" as the default news feed, and hide the "Top Posts" stories?

Yes F.B. Purity does have an option to automatically switch you to Facebook's Newsfeed to "Most Recent" whenever it detects Facebook has changed it to "Top Posts", which is necessary because Facebook seems to keep "forgetting" the users preference. The option is titled "News Sort : Most Recent" and its located under the "Further Options" heading.

*Update* Please note, even if you have this option enable, Facebook has attempted to redefine the meaning of the term "Most Recent" and are not actually showing the posts in the "Most Recent" feed in chronological order. Their reasoning is any post with new comments or new likes or other activity will now appear higher in the most recent feed as if it is a new post, one way you can alleviate this is by ticking the "Hide commented on this" and "Hide liked this" options under the "Various Post Types" header on the FBP options screen. However even after doing that, you may still see some posts out of order, this is a Facebook issue. Another problem is Facebook is artificially restricting the number of posts showing in the "Most Recent" feed, and are cutting the feed off after only a few posts for some people, or sometimes showing no posts at all and instead showing a "Welcome to Facebook" message, the only thing you can do to counter this is try viewing other Feed types, such as Pages Feed, Friends Feed, Groups Feed etc or individual User Profile/Timeline pages. *Further Update* Facebook have renamed the "Most Recent" page to "Feeds".

What can I do if after loading the newsfeed I am reading a post and the "Sort Feed: Most Recent" option redirects me to the Most Recent Feed?

If the newsfeed has just loaded and you are reading a post and then you get switched to the most recent feed before you have finished reading the post, to go back and find the post again, try clicking the Newsfeed dropdown menu at the top left of the page, and select "Top Stories" and you will go back to the "Top Stories" feed, where you should see the post you were reading previously, unless the Top Stories have changed since then.

Can I hide "Reels" / "Reels and short videos" posts

Yes, the latest version of FBP has an option to hide "Reels and Short Videos", the option is located under the "Video Posts" heading on the FBP options screen

Can FBP stop facebook opening comments on posts in a new popup window?

No, unfortunately theeres no way to do that at the moment.

How can I view my Facebook notifications in the correct chronological order?

F.B. Purity has an option located under the "Notification Options" heading of the FBP options screen, titled "Sort Notifications Chronologically" that will do exactly that. Please note that this option does not work any more since a Facebook code change.

How can I filter out foreign language posts from my newsfeed?

As long as the foreign language post has the "See Translation" or "Rate Translation" link (or the equivalent in whichever language you have facebook set to, you can put the text See Translation and Rate Translation into the F.B. Purity's "Text Filter" box on separate lines, and it will filter out all foreign language posts from your Newsfeed.

Can I turn off Facebook's notification sounds?

Facebook has a built in option for turning off the notification sounds, you can access it
here (Scroll down to "How You Get Notifications", then click "Browser").

How can I turn off / hide / filter Facebook Questions & Answers posts (and Polls) from my news feed?

You can hide Facebook Questions / Polls and Answser posts from showing up in your newsfeeds by ticking the "Hide Facebook Questions" option on the F.B. Purity options screen. (Please note if you don't have your Facebook language setting set to English, it wont work, and you will either have to set the language setting to English or else put your own custom Text into the "Text Filter" box to filter these and other "Extras" out.)

Why isn't the hide sponsored box option hiding the ads?

Check that you have the latest version of FBP installed, as Facebook often update the code for the ads section, which means F.B. Purity needs to be updated to hide the ads again, also check the FBP fan page for any news as the CSS/Code of the page may have changed. If those things dont work, and/or the ads say "Ads not by facebook" or something similar, its possible that you have installed a sneaky program known as "Adware" or "Malware" that inserts adverts into web pages that you view. To get rid of those ads, you should run an Anti Malware scanner, such as Super AntiSpyware, or MalwareBytes Antimalware. Please also be aware that Facebook are now displaying the word sponsored as an image rather than Text, this makes filtering out Sponsored posts harder, and may now require the use of a function called "Zap the ads", read more about it here or here.

**Update** Facebook has now introduced video ads that show up in the middle of videos that you watch on Facebook, the latest version of FBP has an option titled "Enable FBP Video Player" and if its turned on, whenever you click play on a Facebook video, you will be given the option to watch it free from adverts in a new tab. (Please note you should disable Facebook's video autoplay option if you want to use this FBP option, otherwise whenever a video appears in the newsfeed FBP's popup asking if you want to play the video in a new tab will appear, which will become annoying very quickly).

How can i Hide / Block Facebook's interstitial / "in stream" video ads?

Facebook has now introduced video ads that show up in the middle of videos that you watch on Facebook. FBP has an option titled "Enable FBP Video Player", and if you turn it on, whenever you click play on a Facebook video, you will be given the option to watch it free from adverts in a new tab. Please note you will need to make sure facebook's video autoplay setting is turned off when you enable this FBP option, as otherwise whenever a video enters the screen and starts playing FBP will pop up a message asking if you want to play the video in a new tab. If you turn off Facebook's video autoplay setting, that won't happen. If you don't like having to watch the videos in a new tab in order to watch them ad free, click cancel when asked if you want to watch it in a new tab, and it will play in the current tab as usual and if facebook does insert a video ad, the pop-up will open again, at which point if you click "OK" the original video you were watching will open in a new tab, and you can just locate the place in the video where you had watched up to and continue on from there, ad free :)

Why doesn't the hide Chat box feature work? / How can I hide the new Facebook Chat list in the right hand column?

Facebook now has it's own built in option for hiding the Chat box / Contacts list. To access it you need to click the "..." 3 dots button to the right of the "Contacts" heading in the right hand sidebar, which opens the chat options. One of those options is to hide the Contacts list.

Can I use F.B. Purity to remove / hide "Stickers" and "Emoticons" in chat / messaging?

Yes, F.B. Purity has an option to hide all emoticons and stickers on Facebook.

Can I hide peoples Avatars / avatar posts on Facebook?

If the post has the text "shared her avatar", "shared his avatar" or "shared their avatar" at the top of it, you can put those 3 variatons of the text into FBP's "Text Filter" or "Auto Hide" filter, (without the quotes) and fbp will hide those posts. Alternatively if you tick FBP's hide "Updated Profile Picture" option located under the "Photo Posts" heading on the FBP options screen, it will also filter out the "shared their avatar" posts. If the post is just an image of their avatar, and doesnt feature any text that identifies it as an avatar post, then you won't be able to hide it using FBP. With regard to avatars in the comments, it is possible to hide those using the following Custom CSS code, which needs to be copied and pasted into the CSS box on the FBP options screen: /* Hide Avatar Emojis in Comments */
div[aria-label^=" Avatar"] {display:none}
Alternatively, you can tick the "Hide Graphical Smileys / Emoticons" option, located under the "Font, Colour & Design" heading on the FBP options screen. That option will hide all smileys, stickers and avatars in the comments section of Facebook.

When I visit a "Fan Page" aka a "Page" on Facebook, a chat / message box appears saying "'PageName' is active now. Start a conversation." is there any way to stop this?

Yes, turn on FBP's "Full Screen Chat" option, this will get rid of that box. The option is located under the "Chat Options" heading on the FBP options screen

Can I hide Facebook generated posts that are titled "Popular Across Facebook"

Yes, tick the hide "Trending Posts" option, located under the "Various Post Types" heading on the FBP options screen. If that doesn't work try putting the text Popular Across Facebook into FBP's Text Filter box.

When scrolling through my feed I sometimes see a box saying "Posts From Across Facebook" then after that lots of posts from Pages I have not liked, can FBP hide them?

Yes, as those posts are "Fan Page" posts, you can tick FBP's hide "Fan Page Posts" newsfeed filter option, please note that will also hide posts from Pages that you have actually liked, however you can view posts from Pages you have liked in a separate feed called the "Pages Feed", which you can access by clicking the link in the left column of the newsfeed, or clicking the "Pages Feed" menu item in the dropdown menu next to the Newsfeed button at the top of the left column.

Is there anything FBP can do about the newsfeed being cut off with the message "There are no more posts to show right now."

No. This message usually shows if you have your newsfeed set to "Most Recent". Facebook does not like its users viewing the "Most Recent" feed, they prefer it if you view the Newsfeed sorted by "Top Stories", so they do all they can to discourage their users from viewing the "Most Recent" feed, including not listing the posts in correct Chronological Order and also cutting the feed off short. The only real solution to this problem, to see more posts, you can try reloading the page until that message goes away, or else view some of the other available feeds, such as the "Groups Feed", "Watch Feed" etc.

Can I hide the new Reactions bar that shows the different types of "Like" (happy, angry, sad, laughing, crying etc) you can click, to show your appreciation for a post?

Yes, FBP lets you do this, just tick the Hide "Reactions Bar" option

Can I hide the Covid-19 box that Facebook inserts at the bottom of posts related to coronavirus / covid 19?

Yes, visit the FBP CSS Page for a CSS code snippet for hiding that box.

Can I hide the new "Reacted to" post types that are now showing in the Newsfeed.

Yes, FBP lets you do this, just tick corresponding hide "Liked" option in the "Newsfeed Options" section of the FBP options screen, as "reactions" are just "fancy" likes.

Can I hide the "Links you may like" box in the newsfeed

Yes, just put the text Links you may like into FBP's Text Filter box, then click "Save and Close"

Can I hide "Check Ins", the "Check In" / "Checked in" / "Travelling to/Travelled to" Posts that show with little maps from the newsfeed with FBP?

Yes, Tick the Hide "Changed Location" option, under the "Various Post Types" heading on the FBP options screen.

What if I don't want to hide "Check-Ins" completely, i just want to hide the map section of the check in and the location bar section at the bottom of check-in posts, is that possible?

/* Hide the map section of a check in post*/
#stream_pagelet a[rel="dialog"][ajaxify^="/places/map/?id="] {display:none}

/* Hide the location bar section of a check in post*/
#stream_pagelet div.userContentWrapper div._4-u3._2ph_ {display:none}

How can I get rid of the Scoreboard showing sports team scores in the right hand column?

The scoreboard should have an "X" on it, clicking it should hide or minimise the scoreboard. F.B. Purity also has an option to hide the "Today's Games" box, the option is located under the "Hide Right Column Links" heading.

Why do some elements of the page (such as graphs on "Page Insights") become hidden when I set the background colour in the fbp options?

If you set the background colour to be slightly transparent, using the following CSS colour function "rgba(225,0,0,0.5)" (without the quotes) in place of a colour name, in the background colour box, the elements should no longer be hidden. the way the colour function works is the first 3 numbers are the red, green and blue components, and the last number is the transparency value, which has a range from zero to one, 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely solid.

How can I set a background image for Facebook?

To do this, go to any image on Facebook (or upload the image you want to use to Facebook), "right click" on the image and copy the image's URL and paste it into the background image box, then click "Save and close". To remove a background image open the FBP options screen and un-tick the "Set" box next to the background image option (under the "Font, Color & Design" heading of the FBP options screen), then click "Save & Close". Please note, Facebook regularly change the URLs for the images on the site, so you may need to repeat the process if you find your background image stops working.

If I set a background image with F.B. Purity, or change the colours or fonts can other people view it too when they visit my profile/timeline page?

No, FBP only affects what you see in your own web browser.

What should I do if I accidentally set the background colour and the font colour to the same color, and can no longer see any text?

Locate where the FBP link, for opening the options screen, would normally be in the top nav bar next to right of the home link, and click it, when your mouse is over the link, it should display the version number of the currently installed version of FBP. On the FBP Options screen, simply un-tick the two checkboxes next to where the colour options for font and background are, and then click the "Save and close" button. Failing that, "right click" anywhere on the page and select "Inspect Element" then click the "Console" tab, then enter the following command into the Console: document.getElementById('fbpfreestyler').textContent='' That will temporarily reset FBPs style and Custom CSS data, allowing you to see the page again.

If I make a mistake with the Custom CSS or FBP's colour and or background image options and can no longer see the page clearly to open the FBP options so i can reset my changes, what should I do?

"Right click" the mouse anywhere on the page and select "Inspect Element" then click the "Console" tab and enter the following line of code document.getElementById('fbpfreestyler').textContent='' that will temporarily reset FBP's style and Custom CSS data, allowing you to see the page again and open the FBP options screen again, so you can change your settings back.

Can I hide Sponsored Posts and Facebook Offers from my news feed?

Yes you can, by default F.B. Purity hides all Sponsored posts and "Offers" posts such as "Claimed an Offer" or "Posted an Offer" from your newsfeed, this because they are basically ads, if you don't want them hidden, un-tick the "Hide Sponsored Box / Posts" option.

Can I hide "Games your friends are playing" / "Games You May Like" posts from showing up in my Facebook newsfeed?

F.B. Purity will hide those post types from showing in your newsfeed, if you have the hide "Game + App Posts" option ticked. (If this is not working for you try putting the text "Games your friends are playing" into FBP's "Text filter" (without the quotes).

Is it possible to filter out photo/image posts based on the contents of the image?

Yes! F.B. Purity lets you filter out photo/image posts based on the contents of the image. Open the "Photo Posts" section of the FBP options screen, to edit setup the image content filtering options. At present the available built in image content filters are "cat photo, dog photo, baby photo, child, smoking, selfie, meme (image with text embedded), happy couple (2 people smiling), car, food photo. There is also a free text box, that lets you enter a comma separated list of other photo subjects you would like to filter out. This functionality is based on Facebook's artificial intelligence image classification system. Their system doesn't always get it right, so expect to see a few images get past the filters, and a few images to get misclassified. In theory the AI should improve over time. If you want to know what categories each image has been labelled with, turn on the "Show Image Classifications on Hover" option (at the bottom of the "Photo Posts" section of the FBP options screen, and when you hover over an image in an image post in the newsfeed, the categories Facebook's algorithm has chosen for that image will be displayed.

Whats the difference between the "Text Filter" and the "Auto Hide Filter"

Posts hidden by a match in the Text filter show when you click the "show" extras link above the first post in the newsfeed. posts hidden by a match in the Auto Hide filter are not shown when you click the "show extras" link, a placeholder is shown in place of the post, and they require a second click to view their contents. in effect, auto hide "double bags" the trash. try it out to see it for yourself.

Historically, the auto hide filter, used to also automatically click facebook's "hide post" option for the relevant post, but its no longer feasible to do that, and facebook's "hide post" menu option only temporarily hides the post anyway, so its not worth doing anymore.

Can I hide "Friendship Anniversary" aka "Friends with Person Z for X years" type posts, where people make a post showing how long they have been friends with someone?

Yes you can, put the following text into FBP's Text Filter box: Friends with .* on Facebook for \d+ Years.*See Friendship. Alternatively, if you tick the Hide "Your Memories" option on the FBP options screen, that will also hide these types of posts.

Can I hide "Upcoming Events" from showing up in my Facebook newsfeed?

F.B. Purity has an option for hiding Upcoming Events, its under the Events heading in the Newsfeed filters section.

Is it possible to block posts from a Facebook Page / Facebook Group / Facebook Event or Website from showing up in my newsfeed?

Yes, you can use FBP's "Text Filter" to achieve this. Just put the name of the Page / Group or Event (or in the case of a website, the domain name e.g somewebsite.com ) into FBP's "Text Filter" box, and FBP will filter out any posts from that entity

How can I hide the Marketplace box in the right hand column?

Tick the hide Marketplace option, located under the "Hide Right Column Links" heading on the FBP options screen, and as well as hiding the Marketplace link in the left column, it will also hide the various Marketplace boxes on the right hand side (including "Top Picks on Marketplace","Recently Viewed on Marketplace" and "Still Available on Marketplace".

How can I stop marketplace posts from showing up in my Newsfeed?

One way to do this is to set your "current location" setting in your profile to somewhere really remote, like the "Sahara desert" that way Facebook shouldn't be able to find any local marketplace items to post to your feed.

Can I hide the new "Like Suggestions" Bar that shows up after I click the like button on a Facebook Page?

F.B. Purity will hide the "Like Suggestions" Bar, if you have the "hide sponsored box" option ticked.

Can I hide the new "Suggested For You" Box that shows up in the right column of the Newsfeed?

F.B. Purity will hide the "Suggested For You" Box, if you have the Hide "Sponsored Box / Posts" option ticked.

Can I hide the "Page Suggestions" Bar that shows up at the top of the Pages Feed?

Yes, see the
Custom CSS page for instructions on how to do that.

Does F.B. Purity's feed filtering functionality work on Groups pages?

No, F.B. Purity does not currently work on Group's pages, maybe one day it will, but it will be a lot of work to add it, so currently no, it doesn't. You can however use Custom CSS that will affect Group pages, if you understand how to use CSS that is.

Can I turn off/on the coloured backgrounds for statuses?

Yes, Look under the "Font, Colour & Design" heading, there is an option to turn off the colored statuses there, titled "Normalize Colored / Big Font Statuses" it is turned on by default, but if you *do* want to see the colored backgrounds for statuses, turn that option off.

Can I hide the colored boxes (that let you change a status' background colour) in the Status update box?

Yes, Look under the "Font, Colour & Design" heading, there is an option to hide that.

Can I hide the animations that are shown when certain words such as "congrats" or "congratulations" are typed in a comment or status? (Facebook calls these animations "Text Delights")

Yes! F.B. Purity has an option to hide the Text animations when the following words or phrases: congrats / xoxo / lmao / rad / you got this! are typed in statuses or comments. The option is located under the "Font, Color & Design" heading of the FBP options screen.

Can I Freeze the Top Nav Bar in position, so it doesnt disappear when I scroll the page down?

Yes you can, there is an option under the "Top Nav Bar Options" heading, that lets you do this.

I sometimes see that FBP has filtered out a post because it matched "is at" or "is with" which filter is doing this?

That's the hide "Changed Location" filter.

Can I hide all "Public" posts in the Newsfeed that have their privacy set to "Shared with "Public"?

Yes, you can add the text Shared with Public to the Text Filter or Auto Hide Filter box.

Can I highlight posts that are "shared publically"? as for privacy reasons, I don't like commenting on or "liking" public posts, and Facebook do not make it easy to see which posts are public and which are not.

Yes, you can, FBP has an option titled "Highlight Public Posts", which when enabled, will change the little grey globe at the top of a public post into a big red globe, to make it clearer that it is in fact a publically shared post.

How can i hide the "Messenger Kids" link in the left column?

There is an option to hide it under the Left Column Links heading on the FBP options screen

Can I hide 3D posts / 3d photos from appearing in the newsfeed

There is a Newsfeed Filter option under the "Photo Options" heading, titled hide "3D Photos"

Can I hide 360 photos from appearing in the newsfeed

Yes, you can do this using the Text Filter or Auto Hide filter, put the following text

Click and drag to look around

Into either the Text Filter or Auto Hide filter boxes on the FBP options screen, then click "Save and Close", and those types of posts should now get filtered out of your Newsfeed.

Can I hide the box that pops up after logging in asking to "Remember password"

Yes you can hide the "Remember your password" box, tick the hide "Nagging Questions" option under the "Timeline Options" heading on the FBP options screen.

Can I hide "Wordle" or wordle variant posts from the newsfeed

Yes, just add the word Wordle (or quordle or whatever the variant is called) to the Text Filter or Auto Hide filter boxes on the FBP options screen, then click Save and Close. Theres no virtually no limit to the number of words you can add to the Filter boxes, just put each word or phrase on a separate line in the Filter box.

Can I use FBP to clear all the "Advertisers" and "Ad Topics" that Facebook has listed in relation to my facebook and website usage on the Ad Prefences page?

Yes, you can. Visit Facebook's
Ad Prefences pages and FBP will add a button titled "Clear with FBP". Clicking that button will systematically clear up all the Advertisers/Ad Topics topics on the page. FBP adds a button to clear the Advertisers section and also one to clear the Ad Topics section, so you can clear both sections. Clicking the "Clear with FBP" button will only clear the items listed on the screen after the "see more" button is pressed. Unfortunately facebook does not show all items in a single page load, so after clearing the items once, you may need to reload the page and clear them again, as it only shows a selection of items each time the page is loaded, this process may need to be repeated until no more items are showing,

Is F.B. Purity compatible with Seamonkey?

No, F.B. Purity is not compatible with Seamonkey, however if you can get Greasemonkey or a Greasemonkey compatible extension to run, then you should in theory be able to run the GM Script version of FBP, but I can't offer any support

Can I change the colour of the F.B. Purity Info Bar?

Yes, you can, using the Custom CSS box. Copy and paste the following into the CSS box: #fbpurityinfobar {background-color:lightyellow !important} You can change the colour to any valid HTML/CSS colour code you like.
For further customisations and more info about using CSS, please read the FBP CSS page.

Is F.B. Purity compatible with "Facebook at Work"

No, FBP is not designed to work with it, and I have not had a chance to look into it. If you are using Google Chrome, try logging into the work account in an incognito tab, theres a setting on the extensions management page for extensions which lets you choose whether you want an extension to also work in incognito mode, by default it should be turned off. So fbp won't load in the incognito tab and you won't have any problems.

Facebook has started adding some code at the end of shared external links, that looks a bit like ?fbclid=asdfk34344asdhfjk3423423, which stops some links from actually working correctly. Can FBP stop this?

Yes, I have updated FBP to automatically fix this stupid facebook nonsense.

How does FBP's video volume preference saver work?

Whenever you change the volume on a video in Facebook, FBP saves the volume level, so whenever you start watching a new video, it automatically sets the video volume to the same volume as you chose previously. This is necessary because otherwise Facebook automatically sets the video volume to maximum every time you watch a new video.

Is there a way to stop the "Up Next" videos playing automatically when watching a video on Facebook

Yes. FBP automatically clicks the "Cancel" button when the "Up Next" notification pops up while you are watching a video, to stop the next video from playing automatically.

How can I Export and Import my FBP settings data? (Save settings to a text file that can be transferred to another computer or browser)

If you click the "Export Settings" link at the bottom left of the FBP Options screen you will be given the option to save your FBP settings to a text file, alternatively a text box will appear with your FBP settings data inside, to export the data in this case, simply select and copy the text in the box and save it to a text file or document. When you want to Import your settings, click the "Import Settings" link at the bottom of the FBP Options screen and a dialog box will pop up giving you the option to load your FBP settings from a text file. The alternative method if you dont want to load your settings from a file, is to just copy and paste the FBP settings data you have previously saved, into the box and click OK, if the import is succesful FBP will tell you then it will reload the page to activate your new settings. This feature is cross browser compatible, so you can copy settings from one browser to another or from one computer to another computer.

How can I unblock an application once its been blocked via the "BA" (Block Application) button?

If you used the "block app" button, it means the application has been placed on your blocked applications list, which you can view and edit by going to your privacy settings page here: https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=privacy then clicking the "Edit your lists" link under the "Block Lists" heading at the bottom of the page. If you used Facebook's Hide button to "hide" the application you need to go to the "Top News" page, then click the "Edit Options" link at the bottom of the page, your list of applications that you have "hidden" will be displayed there, and you can unhide them from there.

Can I hide the red "Block App" button that is added to facebook game/app dialog boxes?

Yes, check the FBP CSS page for some custom code that can do that

What is Greasemonkey?

Greasemonkey is an add-on on for the Firefox web browser (and certain other browsers too), that lets you alter the way websites are displayed to you in your browser. The way it works is you download scripts (small sets of custom instructions) for the sites you want to alter, once installed the script changes the page in some useful way, perhaps changing the layout or adding new features to the site, or even removing features you don't like.

How can I help spread the word about F.B. Purity?

You can suggest F.B. Purity to your all your Facebook friends by posting about this page to your Newsfeed / Timeline via the Share button:
share on facebook Share on Facebook

You can also let the world know about F.B. Purity, by posting to the following networks
[Post to Twitter]Share on Twitter. You can also subscribe to updates from F.B. Purity on Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and Tumblr.

Where can I make suggestions about F.B. Purity?

You can make general suggestions for the F.B. Purity and also suggestions for additions to the default application whitelist that is built into the script here: F.B. Purity Contact Form. Please note I may not have time to answer all emails, but I will definitely read them, suggestions from donors will get higher priority attention.



Known issues (*UPDATE* FBP v37.1.3 has been released. For most versions of F.B. Purity it will autoupdate itself to the latest version, if it doesn't go to the F.B. Purity Install page on the F.B. Purity website and follow the instructions there as that will most likely fix most issues if you are having any problems) BTW by "liking" the F.B. Purity fan page, you will be kept up to date of the latest issues, fixes, changes and updates.

If you are currently seeing "Suggested Posts" in your Facebook Newsfeed, when you have FBP installed, please check the relevant post on the FBP Fan Page for more info on what to do. If you are currently seeing "Sponsored Posts" in your Facebook Newsfeed, when you have FBP installed, please check the relevant post on the FBP Fan Page for more info on what to do.

If you cannot see the (FBP) button at the very top right hand side of the page (in the top navigation bar) there is another way to open the FBP options screen, just click the "F.B. Purity" link that shows in the F.B. Purity info bar just above the first post in the Newsfeed

If your left and right columns (including the chat list) have disappeared, though you havent opted to hide them, this may be due to a facebook code change. They have renamed the "Most Recent" feed to just "Feeds", and that page has no right column (no chat list) and the usual left column has also changed, and theres no box for making posts. If you have FBP's "News Sort: Most Recent" option turned on, so you always get the Most Recent version of the Newsfeed, you will notice this change. If you want your right and left columns back, you just need to turn off FBP's "News Sort: Most Recent" option, though that will mean you will no longer always be on "Most Recent", but Facebook only shows the chat list and full right column and full left column, if you are on the standard newsfeed which is sorted by "Top Posts". You can still access Most Recent, by clicking the "Feeds" button in the left hand column, and when you are on the Feeds page, you can still post by clicking the button that looks like a 3 by 3 grid of black boxes that shows in either the left column or in the top navigation bar, then selecting the "Create / Post" button. The grid button also shows all the hidden left column links.

If you have the option to hide Reels turned on, and find its stopped working, put the following text into FBP's Text Filter: Reels  · and then click the "Save and Close" button, and that should fix hiding them.

If you are seeing strange behaviour in your Newsfeed, like the feed jumping about or posts disappearing before your eyes, please note this is not an FBP bug. Facebook have changed the way the newsfeed works, they are now limiting the number of posts that can be shown in the newsfeed to 40, so once 40 posts are loaded, any new posts loaded at the end of the feed knock posts off the start of the feed, this can cause the newsfeed feed to jump about, and other strange phenomenon, like posts disappearing before your eyes, weird text appearing in the left column, and facebook internal links not working or taking you to unexpected places. It may appear to be an fbp bug, but really its just that you are more likely to see this issue with fbp enabled, as when fbp filters out posts from view according to the filters that are set, facebook loads extra posts to replace the filtered posts, which means you will reach the 40 post limit much quicker than if you didnt have fbp enabled. One possible method to avoid this issue is to view the mobile version of the facebook website at m.facebook.com though fbp's filtering wont work on that version of the site.

Theres not much that can be done to prevent this, one thing you can do that will stop posts you are viewing or commenting on from disappearing, is to try opening the post you want to view or comment on in a separate tab, that way you should be able to read/view it and comment on it without it disappearing.

** BLANK SCREEN BUG ** if you get a blank screen when you hover the mouse over the left column, turn off the "Hide profile hovercards" option, as there is a bug in it causing this issue. with the option turned off the issue should go away.

If you keep getting the "Play Video in new tab with no ads" popup message as you scroll down the newsfeed, this is due to the "Enable FBP Video Player" option being turned on. With this option turned on whenever you play a video on Facebook, you will be given the option to play it without ads in a new tab. The problem with this is, if you have Facebook's Video Autoplay setting turned on, this dialog box will popup for every video that scrolls by you in the newsfeed. To solve this issue, either turn off Facebook's Video Autoplay setting (via the Video section of Facebook's settings page or turn off FBP's "Enable FBP Video Player" option.

Some of FBP's functions are currently broken due to Facebook's extensive site redesign. Heres a (probably non exhaustive) list of FBP's functions/options that do not work in the new design: Sort Notifications Chronologically, Set Background Image, Change site colours, Custom Reaction images, Unread Notifications Colour, Hide Posts from Pages that you haven't "Liked", Hide All Page posts, Show Full Date/Time on Posts, Expand News Column, Fix External Links

If the "Most Recent" feed is not being displayed chronologically, please note that this is not actually an FBP issue, click here to read more

If your newsfeed is completely blank, make sure you have not ticked the 'hide "Newsfeed"' option, as thats exactly what that option does! Other possibilities are the filtering options you have selected are filtering out all the posts. If you don't want it to do that, adjust your FBP filtering options, please read the F.B. Purity User Guide to learn how F.B. Purity works. Please note, if the "Welcome to Facebook" message is showing, where the Newsfeed should be, this is a Facebook bug, and its nothing to do with FBP.

If you find Suggested Posts are not being hidden, its most likely because your Facebook language setting is not set to "English". To fix this, either set your Facebook language setting to "English" or else put the text for Suggested Posts in your own language into FBP's Text Filter or Auto Hide filter box. (Many of FBP's built in Newsfeed filtering settings will only work if you have your Facebook language set to English)

If you find you are getting a blank screen popup when you move the mouse over links in the left column, this is apparently due to a bug in either the Hide "Profile Hovercards" option or the Hide "Auto Tag Suggestions" option. Turn both those options off if they are turned on and that should fix the issue.

If you find the Hide "Auto Tag Suggestions" option is not working, this is due to a number of reasons, including a facebook code change, and a limiting change to the browser extension API.

If you use the hide whole newsfeed option, you may have noticed its stopped working. This is due to a Facebook code change. Until i update FBP with the new code to fix it. you can simply add the following CSS code to FBP's CSS box on the FBP options screen. (To open the CSS box click the CSS link at the top right of the FBP options screen).
/* CSS Fix for hide whole newsfeed */ #fbpurityinfowrapper+div {display:none} #fbpurityinfowrapper+h3+div[aria-hidden="true"]+div {display:none}

If you are using the Safari browser on a Mac and are having problems getting FBP to work with the Tampermonkey extension, try using the "Userscripts" script manager extension instead. Some people are reporting an issue that they cant get the FBP GM script to work with Tampermonkey, but have had success using it with the "Userscripts" extension instead.

If you find some videos are not showing, but just a blank square in place of the video, this may be due to a bug in the hide "reels" link "left column option", which is located under the "left column links" heading on the fbp options screen. If you turn that option off, the videos should display properly again. I will look into fixing that ASAP.

If you are using Chrome and you find FBP is repeatedly getting disabled automatically every time you restart Chrome, this may be because you have a faulty Antivirus or Security program that is incorrectly disabling it. Another possibility is that you have removed the permission for the extension to access Facebook's site data, without that permission FBP cannot function, and you need to click the extension icon (it will then say "reload this page to use this extension") then you need to reload the page each time you want to use FBP. If you are using Google Chrome, you can restore the permission to access Facebook's site data by clicking the FBP icon in the Chrome extensions toolbar, then selecting "This can read and change the site data" on "Facebook.com".

If you can only see the "Like" reaction when hovering over the like button, this is because you must have turned on FBP's hide "Reactions Bar" option. Turn that option off and you will be able to see all the different reactions again. Its best not to turn on options when you are not sure what they do, you can hover the mouse pointer over most options on the FBP options screen to get more information on what they do.

If you have set a background colour and the whole page has changed to that colour so you can no longer see anything on the page, im looking into what is causing this. Until i figure out a fix, turn off the background colour setting. I realise you can't access the FBP link to open the FBP options screen in this situation, so the workaround to be able to access the FBP options screen, is to visit this link where you should be able to see the FBP link that will let you access the FBP options screen and turn off the background colour settings.

If you are getting a "Connection failure" error when trying to install the Firefox extension version of FBP, try temporarily disabling your Antivirus and or Firewall, or any other security software or extensions as there is a bug in Firefox that stops extensions being installed if you have antivirus software checking your web activity.

For a workaround to this issue, you can try the following: "Right-click" on the "Install F.B. Purity" button and then click "Save link as" then save the .xpi extension to your computer. Now drag the .xpi file from the saved location into Firefox's "about:addons" Extensions management page.

If when trying to install the F.B. Purity chrome extension from the Google Chrome extension store you get the "File not found" or "Download interrupted" error, this usually means that you are using an out of date version of Chrome (v49 or below i think) To install the F.B Purity Chrome extension you need to use an up to date version of Chrome. If you can't update your version of Chrome, you could try installing the Tampermonkey extension, then once thats installed, go to the F.B. Purity install page at install.fbpurity.com then click the Firefox link, then click the Greasemonkey link, then click the Green "Install F.B. Purity GM Script" button.

To run FBP on Apple's latest version of Safari (v13) you need to be using MacOS v10.14 or above. First install the Tampermonkey App via the Apple App Store (the new version costs $1.99) Then make sure the extension is enabled, then visit the FBP Install Page and click the big green "Install F.B. Purity GM Script" button. **UPDATE** There is now a free Safari GM Script compatible UserScript Manager extension caled "UserScripts" which can be used as an alternative to Tampermonkey for installing the GM Script version of F.B. Purity.

If you are watching a video in the Newsfeed and suddenly the video disappears, this is due to the way FBP's ad hiding code works, at the point the video disappears is when Facebook has injected an ad into the video, so FBP detects the post as an ad and hides it. To avoid this, instead of clicking the Facebook play button on the video, click the red "Watch Vid (No ads) link instead.

The Show Full Date/Time on posts option is not currently working properly, due to a Facebook code change. Its not going to be easy to fix, so this option might not get fixed for a while, if at all. You should still be able to see the Full Date and Time the post was made if you hover your mouse pointer over it.

If you cant see all the reactions, only the like button, turn off FBP's Custom Reactions option, Facebook have changed their code and broken that function.

If the "Export Settings" link is not working for you in the Chrome Extension version of F.B. Purity, try this: After clicking the "Export Settings" link, then click the "Save and Close" button at the bottom of the FBP options screen, that should then trigger the FBP Settings File Save Dialog box to open. I am looking into fixing this bug.

If you have tried installing the latest FBP extension, but the FBP link doesn't show up in the top navbar, try closing your browser completely, then re-opening it, that should fix the issue. Another possibility is that you have "localstorage" storage turned off in your browser somehow (its either caused by a browser setting or an extension). Follow the rest of the steps in the troubleshooting guide to figure out what is causing your problem.

If you don't see any posts in your newsfeed, just the "More Stories" link, that may be because F.B. Purity is filtering out the stories you don't want to see. You can adjust which posts FBP filters out via the FBP options screen. To learn how F.B. Purity works you should read the FBP User Guide page.

If your feed only loads a few posts and wont load any more even if you try scrolling the browser window downwards, and you just see an empty post with the pulsing grey square and grey lines, i'm not sure what is causing this, it may be a network issue, try reloading the page, and seeing if that fixes it. If your newsfeed appears stuck and you can't scroll any further, a temporary workaround for this is to visit m.facebook.com where you should be able to scroll the newsfeed back further.

If posts are missing on your friends or Page's you have liked Timelines, check if you have ticked the "Hide Games + Apps" option under the heading "Timeline Options", as that will hide posts if they have been made via an app or a game.

If you are using the "X" button to hide posts in the newsfeed, but find the posts are returning again, this is nothing to do with FBP. So if the hide post function is not working, that is just a bug in Facebook and there is nothing FBP can do about it. When this happens its usually just a glitch that Facebook **usually** fixed within a day or two but this bug seems to be permanent now, If enough people report the bug to Facebook maybe they will fix it, you can report a bug to Facebook by clicking the "Question Mark" (Quick Help) button in the Top Navigation bar of Facebook, then select the "Report a Problem" menu item, then select "Something isnt working" then "News Feed" then explain the problem. Remember you can always use FBP's Text Filter to hide posts you dont want to see in the Newsfeed automatically.

If the page reloads when you try to watch a video, this is a bug in the "News Sort: Most Recent" option, to stop it occuring, turn off the "News Sort: Most Recent" option, until I can come up with a fix.

Some smileys/emoticons/emoji are now getting past the hide emoticons filter option, this is a known issue, and I am looking into it.

If you are using Chrome and have Facebook as a pinned tab, this seems to cause the FBP chrome extension to crash. Try using Facebook without pinning its tab, that should in theory fix it. I don't know why this is happening, but I presume its due to the Facebook tab always being in memory, and Facebook's pages are not a fixed length, they can continue growing until they eat up all the memory, at which point fbp may crash.

If you click the FBP link and nothing happens, it probably means you have 2 versions of FBP installed at the same time. Check your browser extensions for 2 copies of FBP. If you have greasemonkey installed, you may have an extension version of FBP and script version of FBP installed at the same time, remove one or the other to get it working again. If that doesn't fix it open the Browsers Error console, and check for any errors.

If you play games on facebook and can't see the "Live Chat" section in the right hand column, the way to rectify this is to turn off the hide "Sponsored Box / Posts" (under the "More Options" heading), and hide "Whole Right Column" and the hide "Game / App Requests" options under the "Hide Right Column Links" heading

If the birthdays box is not showing in the right column please note that is because Facebook have removed this box themselves, you can however still access birthays information by following the birthdays link in the left hand column of the "Events Page" or go directly to the Birthdays page here. You might want to bookmark that link in your browser.

If you find you cannot tag your friends in statuses, make sure you have not turned on the option to hide "Auto tag suggestions", as that's exactly what it does. You can temporarily disable that option to re-enable tagging by typing the "@" character, or permanently turn it off on the FBP options screen.

If the numbers are missing next to the links in the left column, make sure you have not ticked the hide "Story Numbers" option under the "Left Column Links" options heading. (But please note Facebook have actually removed the numbers themselves from the left column links in the new Facebook design)

If you have set a background image and are wondering how to turn it off or change the background image settings, you can do so via the FBP options screen, under the "Fonts, Colours and Design" section

If you use a non facebook hosted image as your background image, it will no longer work due to new Facebook "CSP" (Content Security Policy) rules. So basically only Facebook image URLs will work as a background image now. If you have set a background image using an image from Facebook, and the background image suddenly disappears, this is due to the fact Facebook expires image URLs after a few weeks or months, so you would need to go back to the image page where you got the image and copy the image URL again into the background image field on the fbp options screen and the new valid URL for the image will be set. Tip: To get the URL of a Facebook hosted image, first open the image full screen, then right click on the image and then select "Copy image address" (or equivalent for your browser)

The red and white "News : *number*" notifications that appear at the top of the facebook window beneath the FBP button shows up when there are new posts on the FBP fan page. Clicking the notification link, will hide the notification and take you to the FBP fan page, where you can read the latest posts from the page. If the notifications come back again for posts you have already seen, its most likely caused by either 1) you logging in via a different computer 2) logging in again with a different fb account. The reason for those occurences is that FBP saves its settings separately per device, and also per FB user account. If this does happen, you can always click the "X" next to the notification to dismiss it, and if you don't want these notifications at all, simply un-tick the "FBP News Notifications" option on the FBP options screen, but i would advise against this, as its very important to stay up to date with the fbp news.

If you have marked some of your friends as "See First" and sometimes see a flash of their posts when the newsfeed is loaded, then the newsfeed reloads and the post goes away, this is most likely because you have the "News Sort: Most Recent" option turned on. When this option is turned on, if FBP detects that Facebook has switched you to "Top Posts" it will automatically redirect you to the "Most Recent" newsfeed, that makes the page reload, so any posts that were briefly displaying in the Top Posts feed, will disappear. If you don't want this to happen, turn off that option.

If you are having problems with your FBP settings not saving properly, or your settings seem to have been wiped out. If you are using an old version of FBP, clear your browser cache, then reinstall FBP via the FBP install page on this site. Its also possible you have a problem with other extensions interfering with FBP (you need to follow the full troubleshooting guide in this case, which involves turning off all other extensions). Another possible cause for this is cookie cleaning type software such as CCleaner, which can potentially wipe out FBP's settings.

I can't support beta / alpha / dev versions of browsers, so please use the latest stable version of your particular browser if FBP is not working in your beta / alpha / dev version browser.

If you are finding Facebook or your browser gets really slow after a while of using it, try not opening lots of Facebook tabs, as Facebook tabs take up a lot of memory, you can also try recycling your Facebook tabs, by recycling them I mean copy the URL of the Facebook tab, then close the tab then open a new tab with the URL, doing this refreshes the browser's memory and clears out any memory anomalies.
Another possibility is, if you are blocking many types of posts, and or have many words/phrases in your text filter or auto hide filters, the feed will appear to take longer to load and may seem slow as facebook only loads a small number of posts at a time, and if that selection of posts are filtered out, the feed will appear empty, and if the feed appears empty, facebook automatically loads another small batch of posts, and if many of those posts are filtered out, facebook will then load another small batch of posts etc etc, each iteration takes a certain amount of time, so it may look like your feed is loading slowly, but in fact its loading at normal speed, its just lots of the posts are being filtered out, so you are not seeing them. a side effect of this loading lots of extra posts in the background is that even though the posts are hidden from view, they still take up a lot of the computers RAM and CPU resources. That is one possible reason why your browser may slow down when using FBP.

If you are not using an up to date stable version of Chrome, FBP may not work for you, you will need to update to the latest (stable) version of Google Chrome. (This issue will also affect browsers that are based on Chrome, so make sure they are updated to the latest version too)

If you are repeatedly seeing the "Welcome new user screen", and your settings keep getting reset. Make sure you have the latest available stable version of your browser installed and also the latest version of FBP, as that should fix the problem. Also make sure you do not have any other extensions or programs (Such as cookie cleaners) that are interfering with FBP extension's storage area. Another reason why you may see this New User Welcome screen, is if you have just installed/updated the extension, then refreshed the facebook page too soon after installing, if you refresh the page again, you should find your old settings are still there.

If FBP's built in newsfeed filters (application and extras) aren't working, and you are not using Facebook with your Facebook language setting set to English, you will either need to switch it to English or else you need to add your own custom Text Filters or Auto Hide Filters in your own language to hide the post types you don't want to see, as FBP's built in preset filtering options can only filter out English posts at present.

If you are using Firefox and you get the "extension file is corrupt" or "cannot modify file", error message when you try and install it, Uninstall the previous version of FBP, then close your browser, wait a minute, then re-open it, clear the browser cache, then reinstall FBP, and it should install ok.

If you are having an issue that is not covered above, please keep reading below for more troubleshooting tips

My FBP settings are being reset every time I close the browser, what is causing this, and how can I fix it?

You are probably using an older out dated version of the fbp extension, re-install F.B. Purity via https://www.fbpurity.com for the fixed, updated version.

Why is F.B. Purity hiding status updates from one of my Facebook Pages or Friends?

FBP does not hide status updates from Pages or Friends. The Page or friend in question is probably posting their status updates via an application. Look at the bottom of one of the status updates that are being hidden and see if there is a "via (some application)" link. You will need to add that application to the F.B. Purity whitelist in order to stop FBP hiding those updates.

Is it possible to "whitelist" friends whose posts I don't want filtered out by FBP's newsfeed filters?

Yes, FBP does let you Whitelist Friends, you can read more about it here. The ability to whitelist "Pages" will hopefully be added in a future version of FBP.

Can I whitelist people I have followed or Pages I have liked?

Not with FBP's current functionality, but a workaround for this would be to create a "Friend List" (see https://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/lists ) comprised of the followed people and pages you wish to whitelist, then you can view that list and also view the extras that are hidden, safe in the knowledge that actually you wish to see those hidden posts as well as the non hidden posts
or if you are using chrome, you could open the interest list in an incognito tab, where unless you tick the box on the chrome extensions management page for the fbp extension to let in run in incognito tabs, it wont run in the incognito tab, so it will show all stories from the entities in the list

If F.B. Purity is not working properly or has stopped working, what should I do?

  1. Check that you have the latest version of F.B. Purity installed. Visit the F.B. Purity Website Homepage and check the version number of the latest release. If it is more recent than the version you have installed, update it. (You can check the version number of your installed version by hovering over the "F.B. Purity" link on your fb homepage or clicking that link to open the Options screen, as the version number is in the title of that screen.) If you have installed FBP via a site other than FBpurity.com try re-installing directly from fbpurity.com as the version on this site will always be the most up to date version (even if the version numbers are the same, sometimes last minute fixes get put in without updating the version number)
  2. If you are on the new Facebook design (the one without the blue bar at the top) please be aware that not all of FBP's functionality is working yet on the new design. (check the troubleshooting guide above for a list of functions that are not yet working on the new design)
  3. If you are using the GM Script version of FBP, check that greasemonkey is enabled (in firefox, you can look for the brown monkey icon in the bottom right of your screen, if its grey it means greasemonkey is disabled, click it once to re-enable it) Another way to check is to see if other scripts you have installed are working.
  4. Check that the problem is not caused by other scripts or extensions running on the same page and clashing with F.B. Purity. You can do this by temporarily disabling the other scripts/extensions (in firefox you can do this via the Tools/Greasemonkey/Manage Userscripts menu for GM Scripts and the "Tools/Addons/Extensions" menu for firefox extensions, in Chrome, Safari and Opera you can do this in the Extensions menu) and see if that fixes the problem
  5. If you are repeatedly seeing the new user welcome message popup, that says "Hi! It looks like this is your first time running F.B. Purity", that means you either have a very old version of F.B. Purity installed, and you should install the latest version from the F.B. Purity install page on this site, it could also mean you are using an old version of your web browser, so you should update to the latest version of your web browser too.
  6. If when you click the Message button on a Facebook Page, nothing happens, check if you have the "Full Screen Chat" option turned on (its under the Chat options section of the FBP options screen) if its turned on, turn it off, as that should fix the problem.
  7. If the welcome screen keeps popping up and wont go away, it means your browser or another program or extension is stopping FBP from saving its settings, if you are using chrome, safari or opera, you need to enable cookies so FBP can save its settings. If it pops up even though you have used FBP before, it probably means your browser settings have been wiped somehow. Certain "cookie" cleaning software (such as CCleaner) or browser extensions may also interfere with the browser and extension's settings, so try turning that software off. This problem can also happen in Chrome if you load a facebook page too quickly after installing a new version of FBP, if that happens, just reload the page again, and your settings should be restored.
  8. Another way to check its not other addons or scripts "clashing" with F.B. Purity or a corrupt browser profile causing the problem, is to create a fresh browser profile (create a fresh profile in Firefox / Create a fresh profile in Chrome), then install F.B. Purity, and see if it works ok there, if it does, you know it must be an addon/script "collision" or corrupt browser profile issue.
  9. Make sure you are not using an unsupported browser, if the browser is too old or too new (beta / dev or alpha etc) FBP may not work, to be safe and sure FBP will work for you, try it in the latest stable version of either Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera
  10. If you are having a problem where the red error is coming up saying "you have 2 versions of FBP running at the same time" If this error messages just comes up once and doesnt come back again once the page is refeshed, that means it is just a temporary glitch and can be ignored. If it comes back with every page reload, follow these instructions: If you are using firefox, first check the "Tools/Addons" menu to see if F.B. Purity is listed there, also check if the Greasemonkey addon is installed and if it is, click its options button and now check if you have the GM script version of F.B. Purity installed, if you have both GM Script version and add-on version of FBP, you need to disable or uninstall one or the other. If you have checked and there definitely arent 2 versions, check if you are running AVG antivirus on your system, as this could be causing the problem, try disabling AVG temporarily and see if that fixes it. If it is AVG, I suggest uninstalling AVG and installing Avast antivirus instead. *UPDATE 9/12/10* Ive heard that its specifically the AVG Link Scanner / Safe Search Firefox plugin that is causing the problems, disabling that addon should also fix the problem. Another possibility if you are using Google Chrome and there are definitely not 2 versions of FBP running, is that the extension has got corrupted somehow, to fix this issue in that case, uninstall the extension, then re-install it for the fix.
  11. If when you open an image the comments are not showing in the right column, next to the image, check if you have the hide "whole right column" option turned on, as that option may cause the issue you are seeing.
  12. If FBP has stopped filtering all game and application posts, check that you havent accidentally un-ticked the "Hide" "Game + App Posts" option on the FBP options screen.
  13. Check if the layout of the Facebook.com site has changed, if the site looks different or has new features, it probably means Facebook have changed the underlying code of the site, which means F.B. Purity will need to be updated to work with the new code. Check the F.B. Purity News Page, or the F.B. Purity Fan Page or the F.B. Purity Twitter account or my own Twitter account for news of a new release of F.B. Purity
  14. If you have hidden various items in the right hand column, and you are still seeing a blank white box, its not possible to hide this box, unless you completely hide right hand column using CSS (see the CSS page) or if you turn on the expand news column option.
  15. Try re-installing F.B. Purity, perhaps the installation has somehow become corrupted.
  16. If you have recently updated to the new version of the Microsoft Edge browser (which is based on google chrome), and FBP has stopped working, you need to uninstall FBP, then reinstall it via : The New FBP for Edge Extension page
  17. If the "Show" apps/extras links are not working, i.e nothing happens when you click them, its probably the same issue as below (2 versions of FBP running at the same time, you need to disable or uninstall one of them)
  18. If you are using Chrome, check you are not browsing in Incognito mode, as by default the extension wont work in that mode, if you want it to, you need to enable it on the Extensions management page.
  19. If the "became friends with" (i.e. "is now friends with" etc) or "Facebook Questions" posts or any other "extras" are not getting filtered out despite you ticking those options in the settings, try setting your Facebook language setting to "English" (either US or UK) as that should fix the problem. Another possibility is that you have added the person whose posts aren't getting hidden to the Friends Whitelist (this would also cause posts with words in your Text Filter to not get filtered out).
  20. If you are getting the following error message "Error: JSON.parse" it means your settings have become corrupted somehow. In order to fix it, if you are using the GM version of FBP, is to uninstall the script and also make sure you choose the delete settings option, then reinstall it. If you are using the Firefox extension version you will need to delete the FBP settings from Firefox's "about:config" page. If you are using Chrome, or Opera, or some other Chrome clone, you can reset FBP's settings by uninstalling the fbp extension then re-installing it. *UPDATE* There is a new way to reset your FBP settings, that works for all browser versions: Click the "Import Settings" link at the bottom of the FBP options screen, then click the "Cancel" button when asked for a file, then enter the word "Reset" (without the quotes) into the text box and then click the "OK" button, and your settings should be reset.
  21. If you are getting the following error message "F.B. Purity: regex error building custom text filter", it means you may have mistakenly pasted in CSS code into the "Text Filter" box instead of the Custom CSS box. If possible you need to remove the CSS code from the "Text Filter" box and put it into the Custom CSS box. If you cannot access the FBP options screen, you will need to reset your FBP settings. In order to do this, if you are using the GM version of FBP, is to uninstall the script and also make sure you choose the delete settings option, then reinstall it. If you are using the Firefox extension version you will need to delete the FBP settings from Firefox's "about:config" page (once at the "about:config" page, type "fbpoptsjson" without the quotes into the "filter" box at the top of the screen, and it should display the relevant line, then right click and select "reset". be careful to only edit the relevant line). If you are using Chrome, Safari or Opera, in order to reset your FBP settings, find the localstorage variable named fbpoptsjson (under the domain www.facebook.com) in the browsers settings and reset it (make it blank) or delete it completely.
  22. If parts of the page that you could normally see, but seem to have disappeared when you are using FBP, though you have not selected to hide them, and you are also using FBP's font and background colour changing function, try turning off the colour changing function, as that should fix the problem.
  23. If none of the above work, you can file a bug report with as much info about the bug as possible

    N.B Important information you should include in your report: What Operating System you are using, What Browser and what browser version number. Extension/Script version number. A clear and concise description of the bug is essential, just saying "it doesn't work" isn't very helpful. What steps did you take that lead up to the appearance of the bug, what exactly do you see on the screen, a screenshot can also be helpful. If using Firefox open the "Web Developer/Browser Console" menu, and copy and paste any red errors you see in the console into your report. If you are using Google Chrome, Safari or Opera, "right click" anwhere on the page, select "Inspect" then select the "Console" tab, then copy and paste any errors from there. -- You can Submit bug reports via the Contact Form. N.B to submit a screenshot, first upload the screenshot to a hosting site such as https://snipboard.io, https://imgur.com or Facebook (but make sure to set the privacy to public) then send me the link/s to the screenshots.

How can I find out what version of F.B. Purity I am using?

The F.B. Purity version number is displayed in the title at the top of the FBP's options screen. Also, if you hover your mouse over the "F.B. Purity" link in the F.B. Purity bar near the top of your facebook homepage, the version number will be displayed.

Is it possible to reset the FBP settings back to the original default settings?

Yes it is possible. At the bottom right corner of the FBP options screen is a link titled "Reset Settings", click that link and FBP will revert to its initial installation default settings.

How can I check if there is an update available for F.B. Purity

You can click the "Check for latest version" link at the top of the FBP options screen, or you can check the F.B. Purity news page, or the FBP fan page

How can I temporarily disable F.B. Purity?

Firefox: If you have the Firefox addon installed you can disable it via the "Tools/Addons" menu. If you want to temporarily switch off the FBP GM Script you can disable Greasemonkey altogether by clicking the little brown monkey icon in the bottom right of the browser window, it will then turn grey, meaning its been disabled. Clicking it again will re-enable Greasemonkey. You can also disable specific scripts, if you "right click" on the monkey icon, a list of the scripts operating on the current page will be displayed, with tick boxes next to them, you can disable individual scripts by unticking them.
Google Chrome: You can temporarily disable FBP via the Extensions menu.
Apple Safari: If you are using the Greasemonkey script version of FBP, you need to either disable it on the Tampermonkey's options screen or disable the Tampermonkey extension.
Microsoft Edge: You can temporarily disable FBP by clicking the "3 dots" menu at the top right of the browser, then select Extensions, then click "F.B. Purity - Clean up Facebook" then flip the switch that says "on" to "off". Or if you have installed the Greasemonkey script version of FBP (via Tampermonkey) open the Tampermonkey options screen and temporarily disable the FBP script via the Tampermonkey "dashboard"
Opera: You can disable it via the Extensions menu.

How can I Remove / Uninstall F.B. Purity?

Firefox: If you have the add-on version installed, you can remove it via the Firefox Tools/Addons/Extensions menu. If you have the GreaseMonkey script version installed, you can do so via the "Tools/Greasemonkey/Manage User Scripts" menu.
Google Chrome: You can uninstall FBP via the Extensions menu, to get there first click the "3 vertical dots" Menu Button in the top right of the browser, then select "Extensions".
Apple Safari: If you are using the Greasemonkey script version of FBP, can uninstall it via the Tampermonkey extension's options screen, or uninstall Tampermonkey if FBP is your only GM script.
Microsoft Edge: You can uninstall the FBP Edge extension by clicking the "3 dots" menu at the top right of the browser, then select Extensions, then click "F.B. Purity - Clean up Facebook" then click the "Remove" button at the bottom of the extension listing. Or if you have installed the Greasemonkey script version of FBP (via Tampermonkey) open the Tampermonkey options screen and remove the FBP script via the Tampermonkey "dashboard"
Opera: You can uninstall the FBP extension via the Extensions menu.

Who is the developer of F.B. Purity

Its me, Steve! :) You can contact me via the F.B. Purity Contact Form Please note I may not have time to answer all emails, but will definitely read them.

How can I show my appreciation for the work you have put into FBP and support future development?

If you like FBP, please make a donation to show your appreciation for all the hard work I have put into developing this and keeping it running.

If you are a Developer and can find and fix bugs or develop new useful features, you are welcome to donate code patches to the F.B. Purity project, to help improve FBP for everyone. Get in touch via the Contact Page to make a contribution.



N.B "Facebook" is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc. This site and script are neither endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook.