FBP v29.0.0 is out now with new Newsfeed Video Player option

F.B. Purity lets you clean up Facebook, by hiding all the ads and other junk you dont want to see.
Changes in F.B. Purity v29.0.0
- New option titled “Show FBP Video Player Link” that adds a link to view videos in the Newsfeed via the FBP video viewer in new tab. If you are using Chrome it also adds a link to let you watch the video full screen with a single click. (This single click feature is unfortunately not available on Firefox due to a restrictive browser API) The FBP video viewer, which was previously only available for videos that contained ads, now loads much faster, and also now gives you the ability to slow down or speed up the video, and you can also choose the size of the video player. Using FBP’s video player means you can bypass the video “light box” and you will no longer get all the “Up Next” videos and other suggested videos, and the hassle of the video moving to the top right corner of the page when you scroll the page down, then going mute when you move it from the top right back to its normal postition, it also means you can keep a video playing in a background tab, while you scroll your newsfeed. Please note that in order to get this functionality working, FBP has to load a lower resolution version of the Facebook video, so some videos may appear quite blocky when viewed full screen in this manner.
- Moved the Hide “Marketplace” option to the “Hide Right Column Links” section of the FBP options screen, as that is where the majority of Marketplace stuff is now shown.
- New option: “Hide Animated Gifs“, Hides animated Gifs in comments (leaves a blank square behind where the gif would have been). Option is located in the “Font, Colour & Design” section of the FBP options screen.
- Fixed adding “X” button to the “Stories” box when it appears in the middle column, to make it easier and more intuitive to hide.
FB Purity lets you easily hide the Facebook Stories box. Just click the “X” at the top right corner of the Stories box, as shown in this screenshot.
- Moved: FBP’s existing option to hide the “Stories” box, has now moved to a more prominent position below the “More Options” heading on the FBP options screen. This option will hide the “Stories” box whether its located in the central or right hand column.
- Fixed the “Hide Advertisers” buttons functionality on Facebook’s “Ad Preferences” screen
- Moved the “Hide Graphical Smileys / Emoticons” option to the “Font, Colour & Design” section
- Known Issue: The “Sort Notifications Chronologically” option does not work for some people, if its not working for you, for example the notifications are not showing chronologically turn the option off. If the notifications popup goes blank just after you open it, try opening it again, it should go back to normal. If not you can always click the “See All” link at the bottom of the popup, to view all your Notifications chronologically.
- Reminder: If you are using an old out of date browser or Safari, the “Hide Sponsored Box / Posts” option may not work for you as that option uses a newer technology that your browser’s may not support. If you have that option turned on, and Sponsored posts (ads) are still showing in your Newsfeed, you need to turn on a new option titled: Hide Posts from Pages that you haven’t “Liked” that is located under the “Link / Page Posts” heading on the FBP options screen. To learn more about this option, please read the Release Notes for the earlier FBP release.
Important Information for Chrome Users of F.B. Purity
Recent FBP Chrome news. FB Purity was rather abruptly removed from the Chrome Webstore recently by Google, as they wrongly claimed FBP was violating one of their policies. I and many FBP users protested against this, and we eventually got it re-listed again.
FBP Chrome Update Process: After FB Purity for Chrome is first installed, you should from then on receive automatic updates (Chrome checks for extension updates once every 5 hours). If you don’t want to wait, and know an update is available you can force an update by turning on “Developer Mode” on the Chrome extensions management page, then clicking the “Update” button at the top of the page (make sure you don’t have any facebook tabs open, so Chrome can unload the existing version first).
To let other Google Chrome users know that FBP is safe and a great way to clean up Facebook Please leave a 5* review for F.B. Purity in the Google Chrome Webstore
Important information for Firefox users of F.B. Purity
Once you have installed the Firefox version of FB Purity, it should auto-update itself when I release new versions. Firefox users who are getting the “Connection Failure” error when trying to install FBP should know this is a known bug in Firefox that occurs if you are using Antivirus software that monitors your web browsing. The work-around, as mentioned in the FAQ is to right click on the install button, then select save, then install the extension by dragging and dropping it on to the Firefox extension management page. This Firefox bug can also prevent Firefox from automatically updating FBP when new versions are released.
Important Information for Microsft Edge users of F.B. Purity
FB Purity is now available as an official Microsoft Edge extension obtainable directly from the Microsoft Edge store If you install the official Edge FBP extension from the Microsoft Edge store, it should auto-update when new versions are released in future. Be aware however that the Microsoft Store has a slow (manual) approval process for accepting extension updates, so the new version will not show up in the Microsoft Store for a day or two after I release an extension update. Please also note FBP is now also available in the Edge Store for the new development version of Edge that is based on Chromium.
To let other Microsoft Edge users know that FBP is safe and a great way to clean up Facebook Please leave a 5* review for F.B. Purity in the Microsoft Edge Store
Important Information for Opera users of F.B. Purity
The FB Purity extension for Opera needs to be installed via the official Opera Add-ons site, which is where the green Install F.B. Purity button will take you to. Once it has been installed from there, whenever updates to the FBP extension are uploaded and approved on the Opera extensions site (this process can take a few days after I upload an update), the version of FBP in your browser should auto-update at some point. It can sometimes be triggered by closing the browser, waiting a bit and re-opening it, there is also an “Update Extensions Now” button on the Opera extensions management page, which if clicked will update all your Opera extensions to the latest versions. In order for the extension to update you may need to first close any open Facebook tabs.
To let other Opera users know that FBP is safe and a great way to clean up Facebook Please leave a 5* review for F.B. Purity on the Opera Extensions Page
Important Information for users of the Brave Browser
FB Purity can now be easily installed in the latest release of the Brave browser by going to the FB Purity Chrome Webstore page and clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
All other FBP users can update to the latest version of FB Purity by clicking the green “Install F.B. Purity” button on the FB Purity Install page on FBPURITY.COM and then following the on screen instructions.
Get FB Purity here: https://fbpurity.com
If you have any problems with or questions about FBP, please use the available help resources on this website, including the FBP User Guide, and FBP FAQ page which includes a comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide that you should follow if you have any problems.
If you wish to support FB Purity, please Donate to ensure the continuation of this project. Many heartfelt thanks to those who have generously donated! :)
Please also tell all your Facebook friends and family about FBP too, cheers!
Steve FBP
Facebook driving you crazy? Don’t get mad, Get FB Purity!
FB Purity Overview:
For those who don’t already know, FB Purity is a safe, free and top rated web browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera and Brave. It lets you clean up the junk and customize Facebook the way you want it to be. It has many cool features, such as hiding all the ads, alerting you when friends un-friend you, letting you change the site’s colours, fonts and background image, it lets you stay on the “Most Recent” feed permanently and lots more. FB Purity has been reviewed and highly recommended in many places including the Washington Post, CNET, PCWorld, MacWorld, GetConnected etc and has over 452,000 users worldwide.