Hide Reels and Short Videos on Facebook with F.B. Purity

F.B. Purity lets you clean up and Customize Facebook. It hides all the Sponsored posts in the Facebook Newsfeed amongst many other useful features
Changes in F.B. Purity v34.0 / v34.0.2 / v34.0.3
- Fixed hiding Sponsored Posts (Please Note: it seems since this update was published Facebook have already changed their code again, so this option may not work now f0r some people) This option should hide the Sponsored posts (ads) in the Newsfeed and those in the right hand column.
- Fixed the “Show Log Out Button” option (located under the Top Nav Bar Options heading on the options screen)
- New: Hide “Reels” option This option hides the “Reels and Short Videos” posts from showing up in the Facebook Newsfeed and is located under the “Video Posts” heading on the FBP options screen.
- New “Move Nav Bar back to the top” option, This option is for those people who have had their navigation bar moved to the side of the screen and want it back at the top again. This option is located under the “Left Column Links” heading on the FBP options screen.
- Fixed: The Auto Hide Filter. I think recently by auto clicking the hide post button, it was sometimes causing a Facebook warning popup to show up. I have removed the autoclicking code, so the popup should not show up any more, but it will still hide the post from view.
If you are using Chrome, Edge or Firefox and have FBP installed already it should update itself to the latest version automatically. If you are using the GM Script version of FBP you can go to the script install page on install.fbpurity.com and click the install script link, then follow the instructions to update the script.
Get FB Purity here: https://fbpurity.com
If you have any problems with or questions about FBP, please use the available help resources on this website, including the FBP User Guide, and FBP FAQ page which includes a comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide that you should follow if you have any problems.
If you wish to support FB Purity, please Donate to ensure the continuation of this project. Many heartfelt thanks to those people who have generously donated! :)
Please tell all your friends about F.B. Purity too, as I’m sure they will appreciate it. One way you can help spread the word about FBP, is to go to https://fb.com/fluffbustingpurity and click the “Invite Your Friends To Like this Page” link that appears in the left column, then invite all your friends.
Steve FBP
Facebook driving you crazy? Don’t get mad, Get FB Purity!
FB Purity Overview:
For those who don’t already know, FB Purity is a safe, free and top rated web browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera & Brave. It lets you clean up the junk and customize Facebook the way you want it to be. It has many cool features, such as hiding all the ads including Sponsored Posts, alerting you when friends un-friend you, letting you change the site’s colours, fonts and background image, it lets you stay on the “Most Recent” feed permanently and lots more. FB Purity has been reviewed and highly recommended in many places including the Washington Post, CNET, PCWorld, MacWorld, GetConnected etc and has over 477,000 users worldwide.
Related posts:
- FBPurity v29.3.6 is out now – Fixes Hide Sponsored Posts, Sort Notifications Chronologically and Hide Animated Gifs options.
- FB Purity v10.3.0 : Customise Facebook with background images, plus other cool options for getting Facebook under control
- FB Purity V12.0 – Hide Auto Tag Suggestions, Hide People You May Know, Hide Birthdays
- FB Purity v14.3.1 Fixes Expand News Column, Adds WebFont Preview box plus lots of bugfixes
TAK Steev for dit store arbejde.
Jeg har netop doneret til dig – jeg er så taknemmelig for dit værk
De bedste hilsner og Fred i Ferden
glad you like it, thank you for the donation! :)
Thank goodness I can block Reels and Short Videos, which have been getting more and more intrusive over the last few weeks. It’s worth my donation just for that.
I have Fluff Busting Purity and it does not block Reels and Short Videos for me. Hope they fix it soon.
are you still seeing them? if so, try putting the words reels and short videos or whatever text that shows in those types of posts into the Text Filter or AUto Hide Filter boxes on the FBP options screen. fbp also has a built in option to hide reels, its listed under the video posts heading of the fbp options screne
Reels and Short Videos Still show for me. I have the latest version of F.B. Purity.
are you still seeing them? if so, try putting the words reels and short videos or whatever text that shows in those types of posts into the Text Filter or Auto Hide Filter boxes on the FBP options screen. fbp also has a built in option to hide reels, its listed under the video posts heading of the fbp options screne
Reels are no longer hidden for me. Even though the FBP settings used to filter them out, it stopped working.
try putting the word Reels into FBP’s Text Filter box, that should filter Reels posts out of the Newsfeed.
I did that today, and it looks like it worked.
Added reels and short videos under Auto hide option and saved.
Was going crazy to hide and hide these videos, but popping up again next time.
Hope that FBP also will be available on Android.
Thank you.
glad you like it, thanks for the donation! :)
I’m still getting reels and short video’s on my Facebook page even though have “Hide Reels” box checked. My version of F.B. Purity is
this issue should be fixed now, if not try using the Text Filter or Auto Hide Filter to hide them.
For me Reels and Short Videos are just hided, it still appears as hided element. Is any way to remove them totally ?
try putting the words reels and short videos into the Auto Hide Filter, that night hide them better