F.B. Purity 23.4.0 Fixes hiding the “Page Stories You May Like” box that shows up in the Facebook Newsfeed, plus adds a few other fixes and some options

Get rid of the junk you don’t want to see on Facebook with FB Purity!
Whats new in FB Purity Version 23.4.0
- Fixed: hiding “Page Stories You May Like” if hide “sponsored box” option is turned on
- Fixed: the hide “Sponsored Box / Posts” code, so it should now hide more ads.
- New: “Hide Right Column Links” option : “Saved Links“
- New: Added an “X” button at the top right of the “Trending” box to make it easier to hide the “Trending” box
- New: Added an “X” button at the top right of the “Stories” box to make it easier to hide the “Stories” box.
- New: hide “Left Column Links” option “Gaming Videos“
Important Information for Chrome Users of FB Purity
If you have installed the FBP Chrome extension via the “Inline Install” method (by clicking the green “Install F.B. Purity” button on the FBP Install page) or directly via the Chrome Webstore, you should now receive automatic updates (Chrome checks for extension updates once every 5 hours). If you don’t want to wait, and know an update is available you can force an update by turning on “Developer Mode” on the Chrome extensions management page, then clicking the “Update Extensions Now” button (make sure you don’t have any facebook tabs open, so Chrome can unload the existing version first).
To let other Google Chrome users know that FBP is safe and a great way to clean up Facebook Please leave a 5* review for F.B. Purity in the Google Chrome Webstore
Important Information for Microsft Edge users of FB Purity
FB Purity is now available as an official Microsoft Edge extension available directly from the Microsoft Edge store So the old method of installing the FBP GM Script via the Tampermonkey extension is no longer required. If you install the official Edge FBP extension from the Microsoft Edge store, it should auto-update when new versions are released in future. Be aware however that the Microsoft Store has a slow (manual) approval process for accepting extension updates, so the new version will not show up in the Microsoft Store for a day or two after I release an extension update.
To let other Microsoft Edge users know that FBP is safe and a great way to clean up Facebook Please leave a 5* review for F.B. Purity in the Microsoft Edge Store
All other FBP users can update to the latest version of FB Purity by clicking the green “Install F.B. Purity” button on the FB Purity Install page on FBPURITY.COM and then following the on screen instructions.
Get FB Purity here: http://fbpurity.com
If you have any problems with or questions about FBP, please use the available help resources on this website, including the FBP User Guide, and FBP FAQ page which includes a comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide that you should follow if you have any problems.
If you wish to support FB Purity, please Donate to ensure the continuation of this project. Many heartfelt thanks to those who have generously donated! :)
Please also tell all your Facebook friends and family about FBP too, cheers!
Facebook driving you crazy? Don’t get mad, Get FB Purity!
FB Purity Overview:
For those who don’t already know, FB Purity is a safe, free and top rated web browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera . It lets you clean up the junk and customize Facebook the way you want it to be. It has many cool features, such as hiding all the ads, alerting you when friends un-friend you, letting you change the site’s colours, fonts and background image, it lets you stay on the “Most Recent” feed permanently and lots more. FB Purity has been reviewed and highly recommended in many places including the Washington Post, CNET, PCWorld, MacWorld, GetConnected etc and has over 413,000 users worldwide.
Related posts:
- FBP v23.0.0 is out, fixing the ad hiding, and chronological notification sorting, fixing bubble comments, plus lots of other fixes and new options
- FBP v16.1.0 – Hide Page Stories You May Like, Hide Celebrate “X” day type posts etc
- FBP 23.2.2 Fixes the hide sponsored posts (ads) on Facebook option
- F.B. Purity v15.1.0 fixes hiding Facebook’s suggested/sponsored posts (ads) & also fixes the newsfeed filtering options
When I enable Auto Update within the add-on in Firefox V58.0.1 (64-bit), It doesn’t update. I’ve changed from the “Auto” to the “On” and in neither case will it update unless I do it manually by re-downloading the add-on. This feature has not worked for a long time including many previous versions of Firefox. Is this a known issue? Thank you.
please read the post you are replying to, it explains how to update FBP
So this “Suggested Shows” thing. How would one go about hiding it? Context menu (the … one has zero options and the X is obscured and rendered unclickable by the content… Is this hidden in FBP? If so, in which section would it be located? Jf not, do you plan on adding it in a future update?
try putting the phrase
Suggested Shows
into the Text Filter box
hiding “Page Stories You May Like” if hide “sponsored box” option is turned on is broken again as of Feb 16, 2008.
I have the hide “sponsored box” option checked but the page stories you may like is still visible.
2008? are you a time traveller? you need to make sure you have the latest version of FBP installed.
I think he meant 2018. I am having the same problem. Those posts started appearing again last week sometime (forgot the exact day). We do have the most up to date version installed on all our office computers.
Is it possible our work network is somehow causing the problem. None of us has seen it on our home computers, but everyone in the office is having the same problem.
if you have any problems, you need to work through all the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide on the FAQ page on FBPURITY.COM